@Canucks de Vancouver

POST-BRUT | Jay Woodcroft 14.10.23

Jay s’adresse aux médias alors que les Oilers ont perdu le match de samedi contre les Canucks par un score final de 4-3.


  1. Good thing?!?! Duck off Jay! Time to wake up!! Ya we need a goalie!! Measure your response?!?! Good one jay!!

  2. We have to trade for better D. We have two B goalies. Imagine if we have a couple of of shut down D men and an A goalie. With no cap space how do we fix this?… I doubt anyone wants Campbell or Nurse. We have too many passengers making too much money.

  3. Paying nurse 9.25 million might be the worst contract is the league at this point

  4. I’d switch Kulak for Gleason. Kulak has not looked good at all so might as well give it a shot.

  5. Sorry man but i’m afraid there’s a change coming. I don’t want to be mad at you. Defence and goaltending let us down again.

  6. Not ready to start the year. Skinner plays even half decent they win it. Quit making excuses for Skinner. He’s lousy.

  7. No defense, no goal tending, same story.
    I'll go watch the NFL, oilers management seems to have no clue what's wrong.

  8. The Nurse and Campbell contracts destroyed any chance we have of going all the way. Unless Kenny finds a way to rid the team of those, it's another year of McDavid and Draisaitl gone down the toilet.

  9. Total disappointment tonight but EDMONTON PLAYED much better than the first game which was a total disaster and embarrassment but they showed a lot of heart and spilled their guts out despite defeat and dealing physical play and tight defense of the CANUCKS . It’s still early in the season. No one is going to hand you the CUP. I FEEL BAD FOR THE TEAM AND THE MEDIA IS LABELING THEM STANLEY CUP FAVORITES… too soon. The Vancouver Canucks are playing just like their head coach RICK Tocchet who is an outstanding head coach. As a player He was a tough nose hockey player who played his game with passion and a physical presence and his team is playing like that. Hard , strong work ethic and physical and tough. DeSMITH LOOKED A LOT LIKE BILLY SMITH OF THE ISLANDERS especially tonight. Bouchard sucks and should be dealt as should FOGGLE. Nurse is not good defensively and SKINNER LOOKED SKINNED. Again Hyman didn’t play great and neither did EVANDER KANE. Connor BROWN MIGHT BE A BAD SIGNING AS HE LOOKS LOST OUT THERE. The defense is horrible still and they have a goaltending crisis . The only players who stepped up are LEON draisaitl and CONNOR McDAVID. Finally RYAN NUGGENT HOPKINS SCORED.

  10. Yet again.. Bantam B2 Goaltending. Trade for an Elite/consistent goaltender. Stop ducking/shying away from a trade that will change your team’s life.

  11. Total disappointment tonight but EDMONTON PLAYED much better than the first game which was a total disaster and embarrassment but they showed a lot of heart and spilled their guts out despite defeat and dealing with tough physical play and tight defense of the CANUCKS . They are very aggressive on checking the oilers especially on McDAVID. It’s still early in the season. No one is going to hand you the CUP. I FEEL BAD FOR THE TEAM AND THE MEDIA IS LABELING THEM STANLEY CUP FAVORITES… too soon. The Vancouver Canucks are playing just like their head coach RICK Tocchet who is an outstanding head coach. As a player He was a tough nose hockey player who played his game with passion and a physical presence and his team is playing like that. Hard , strong work ethic and physical and tough. DeSMITH LOOKED A LOT LIKE BILLY SMITH OF THE ISLANDERS especially tonight. Bouchard sucks and should be dealt as should FOGGLE. Nurse is not good defensively and SKINNER LOOKED SKINNED. Again Hyman didn’t play great and neither did EVANDER KANE. Connor BROWN MIGHT BE A BAD SIGNING AS HE LOOKS LOST OUT THERE. The defense is horrible still and they have a goaltending crisis . The only players who stepped up are LEON draisaitl and CONNOR McDAVID. Finally RYAN NUGGENT HOPKINS SCORED.

  12. Why do they always look the same…a discombobulated mess in their zone?? Can't anyone clean it up? Must be someone available, no?

  13. Jay, last year all we heard was “we’ll take it and learn from it” a LOT last year. Two games into a new season with superstars playing a new system and your message has been the same, “we’ll learn from it”. Please get better. That’s what anyone would say to their favourite team that was loaded with talent but can’t win.

  14. Mental error? Lol Don't you mean common error? Like Nurse saying hey I need to put up some numbers, I think I'll leave my post on the blue line and park myself in front of the net. Whaaaat? No way, how did that 2 on O-MG happen? Rogers Place should play the Britney Spears song Oops.. I Did It Again! everytime Nurse forgets he's a defenseman. Same old same old. Nothing new here folks. My final analysis? Goals against? Way up. Lessons learned? Way down. Learning curve? Non existent. I'm starting to warm up to the Edmonton Boston Ullmark trade rumour. 4 on 16? Really Skinner? Do I have a problem with Skinner being traded? Nope. There I said it. In the minority. We pay Jack to be our #1. Let him be our #1. My vote is for Jumping Jack Flash.

  15. Fire Dustin Schwartz. How has that asshole held his job for 10 fuckin years????

  16. It’s cause they suck😂 Oilers literally were handed the keys to win and still lost most embarrassing team

  17. I’m okay loosing a couple games at the start of the year… what sucks is this schedule…. Next game not till Tuesday wtf

  18. kane & brown are not helping McD too much….. but that is on the GM to find one sniper to go w McD.
    it is not clear why nurse bouchard kulak are making so many mental errors. Ekh & Desharn really gave the team a BOOST last yr

  19. Oilers fans should really do what Canucks fans did last year: to throw some BIG name jersey on the ice during the game to wake those multi-million- dollar guys up😂😂😂

  20. Nucks won bothwith heart. Credit! Question is, does this team match or exceed that desire moving forward? Why are the oil mistakes so much more costly than the opposition. A la playoffs.efforts was the but so was disappointment again. Sort it.

  21. Jay, don't just be a white board, Sharpie Coach. I get it , you're not a yelling kind of guy, but If you're not showing the fans you have fight and passion, than do you honestly think the fans believe you have any level of fight and passion in your locker room speeches? Sure it's only 2 games, but your job is to not just draw up the plays, your job is to make your players believe in the cause, believe in you. This game is all about sacrifice and the minute they stop sacrificing themselves for you when they're bleeding on the ice, it's game over for you. Jay, you have only one creed to live by when you're the coach of the Edmonton Oilers. Winning is bloody. Winning is pain. Winning is sacrifice. It's your job to stop bleeding red and start bleeding copper and blue.

  22. I’m gonna choose to look only at positives tonight. I was in a pub in Hazeldean chock full of blue and orange jerseys, and everyone was right there with the game, reacting to every penalty, every scoring chance, every save, every goal. It felt so good to be back. Nuge, who, as a Red Deer native, I’ve been watching since I was about 10, absolutely shniped one and kept us in the game. Love watching him play, a perfect complimentary piece to the two best forward in the game. Broberg looked confident, non-hesitant and defensively sound. Holloway and McLeod were BUZZING with speed, physicality, decision-making and focus. Ekholm and Brown did NOT further exacerbate any injuries tonight, knock on wood. We need these boys to suit up at LEAST 96 more times if we want to see them hoist Lord Stanley’s cup this season. Let’s all take a big deep collective breath, sit back, relax and enjoy the show 🙂

  23. Congratulations to the Canucks. They backed up there win with class, grit and determination. Not a Nucks fan, but give credit where credit is due. Nice job boys!

  24. If you think the goal tending is bad during games, think of practice scrimmage. What would it be like with McD heading into a Oilers zone?? Lol

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