@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Analyse d’après-match Sénateurs vs Flyers de Philadelphie – 14 octobre 2023 | Fin de la partie : Ottawa

Maude anime Game Over: Ottawa pour apporter votre réaction et votre analyse d’après-match alors que les Sénateurs d’Ottawa affrontent les Flyers de Philadelphie. 0:00 – Récapitulatif du match 21:23 – Mouvements potentiels de la liste 27:30 – Répondre aux commentaires du chat Sur Twitter, vous pouvez suivre Maude Schoblocher à @maudescho et Charlie Arsenault à @cwarsenault. Achetez des produits Game Over : https://sdpnshop.ca/collections/game-over Rejoignez le SDPN Discord : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour connectez-vous avec notre équipe commerciale et discutez de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. Since you can only bury somewhere around $1.2M of a contract, sending down brannstrom would clear that 1.2, then we'd have to call up kleven for 775k, so it would only get us less than 500k. Not enough, even for league minimum. I do think once Norris is in, we should send down kastelic instead of chartier. Doesn't free up much space, but it's an extra 60k and I trust chartier a little more than kasty. I think there are only 2 options to move, really. Its kubalik and Joseph. The easy answer is kubalik, because since hes only got 1 year left on his contract, that's a lot less a team has to commit to, so the ask may be lower, whereas with Joseph, its 3 more years at a higher cap hit, so teams will likely ask for more

  2. I would think note taking and watching the game is very difficult. Suggestion , try recording your comments instead.

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