@Canucks de Vancouver

Brian Burke sur Pride Tape, les Canucks et la PWHL

Le directeur général de la PWHL, Brian Burke, s’est joint aux gars pour discuter de l’adhésion à la PWHL, de l’avenir du hockey féminin et de l’interdiction des bandes de fierté dans la LNH.


  1. To the person reading this, even though I don't know you. I wish you the best of what life has to offer 🙏 🙌 😊❤

  2. Guys, quick pushing this garbage story. We know you've drunk the insanity/woke Kool-Aid, but people come here for sports. Not lifestyles being forced down our throats.

  3. I applaud the National Hockey League. Brian claiming that this is all about "rights" is a false claim.
    EVERY citizen of Canada and the United States has had their rights legally protected for the last 60 years.

  4. So is it about money or morality?

    Either most people are kind, accepting and are simply attempting to escape from their daily life to be entertained and belong to a hockey community.

    Or we are all mindless consumers who are swayed by colourful tape? Do you honestly think bigot minded people will change their hatred for colourful tape?

    Also military and cancer causes don’t interfere with religious beliefs. The nhl “didn’t pick a fight” it’s because this is a giant distraction. Also one group doesn’t think the same.

    We also don’t care about a cnn poll. We have individual rights under the constitution in USA and charter rights in Canada.

  5. If you can’t support a cause, any cause then don’t. I don’t care if it’s Pride, Cancer, MS, Alzheimer’s or the Military. That doesn’t mean the rest of the people that do support it should be stopped from doing so. If the teams wear a pride or cancer uniform and some players don’t want to, so what. Will it hurt your overinflated egos that you will stand out because your not wearing that uniform? Grow up.

  6. As long as all politicization, including the military and all moments of silence, as banned, fine. But if it’s just the gay thing, what you really mean are ideas you don’t personally like. Grow up. It’s funny that right wing Neanderthals call every snowflakes, but they can’t handle a rainbow flag or treating people like human beings. And no prayer or anthems at hockey games either. You can’t have it both ways. Grow up. Or expose yourself in the comments. Your choice.

  7. There’s no room for politics in any sport. And if you have to celebrate something. Celebrate the community as a whole. As long as we keep giving individual groups specialized treatment. Our communities will always be divided

  8. 4:46 I heard Quinn Hughes say something about looking at a work-around for the tape. My hope is he gets the team to pick up every solid colour of tape you can get and each player uses a different colour (some may have to share a colour), at least for the pre-game warm up. The league can't do sh!t about that. And if a player complains that it's against his religion, let him pick black or whatever other colour he usually uses. Whatever. I don't even care if a player refuses. I just hear them and I say, "Duly noted."


  9. Burke had no problem insulting and persecuting those who didn't want to wear the P Jersey last year, Now says everyone should be able to choose what they want to wear. What a hypocrite. The Mainstream media and guys like Burke created this decision.

  10. Excited to see the PWHL this year. Massive stuff for women’s hockey. We need a vancouver team soon Burkie!

  11. Since when was anyone not welcome to watch or play hockey ? Keep the virtue signaling politics out of hockey ! How does this guy know what the majority of Americans or Canadians want ?

  12. Donnie and Dhali’s YouTube is so lame right now. You know who’s bringing it. Sekeras and Price. Pick up your game, cuz I don’t give two shits about this crap.

  13. Fans just want to watch hockey and enjoy the game. Fans do NOT want any other drama or any alphabet plus stuff! Your pride is your pride. Just keep your pride with you. Not everyone is a pride fan. NHL is doing a good thing to ban that distraction.

  14. not part of the lgbtq community nor am I a liberal by any means, but this comment section and most of twitter are extremely ignorant, bigoted, and sexist. it's not about being woke or pushing agendas, it's about making a statement that everyone is welcome and we acknowledge and celebrate their existence.

  15. Comments on people here saying NHL made the right decision on Pride night and hockey shouldn't be part of politics.

    Glad to know there are people privileged and entitled enough to think supporting a community as nothing but/mostly politics.

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