@Sabres de Buffalo

[Lance Lysowski] Granato confirme que Jost remplace Olofsson. Le personnel d’entraîneurs a apprécié le match de Krebs samedi. Intrigué par le potentiel de Peterka-Cozens-Krebs. À propos de Jost, qui a réalisé un excellent camp, Granato a déclaré : « Il compte beaucoup pour les gars dans le vestiaire et il fait beaucoup. »

[Lance Lysowski] Granato confirme que Jost remplace Olofsson. Le personnel d’entraîneurs a apprécié le match de Krebs samedi. Intrigué par le potentiel de Peterka-Cozens-Krebs. À propos de Jost, qui a réalisé un excellent camp, Granato a déclaré : « Il compte beaucoup pour les gars dans le vestiaire et il fait beaucoup. »



  1. PanicOnFunkatron

    I used to pray for times like this

  2. RupertRasmus

    VO needs to be waived. We have so many others that can fill his spot. No team wants him and he’s bringing us down.

    The fact guys like Jost were sitting over him I understand to start but shouldn’t be happening again. Jost contributes.

  3. JoeSchmohawk93

    Krebs’ biggest strength is that he can play anywhere in the line up. VO cannot. It really is that simple. Jost can also absolutely fill Krebs spot on the 4th line, that’s why we brought him back…

  4. sunyoung-luna

    So happy to have Jost back in the lineup

  5. doctormirdock

    I get that they wanted to give olofsson a shot, but I’m very glad they gave him a short leash

  6. Tactial_snail

    This is our best option until Quinn is back

  7. Glad to see Krebs given the chance to play with more skilled players, and I’m happy to see Jost back in the lineup.

  8. carl-swagan

    Seems like a no-brainer. Jost plays a great, high-energy game and will slot in nicely on the 4th line while Krebs plays up with the kids. With the 1st line having a slow start this is a great opportunity for the young lads to step up.

    Kind of a head scratcher that VO was still in the lineup to begin with, dude has never done anything to impress me besides a nice one timer every once in a blue moon on the power play. With all the talent on this roster that’s just not a strong enough skillset to justify a spot.

  9. beef4206977

    Over/under Peyton Krebs fisticuffs tonight

  10. Olofsson’s leash was a lot shorter than I thought it was going to be

  11. Cozens is the key player to watch tonight. If he instantly looks like himself again then Olofsson shouldn’t see another shift on the Sabres. There are plenty of guys in Roch that can fill in when there’s injuries.

  12. joeyg151785

    Thank God. If Olofsson isn’t scoring, Hes helping the other team score lol

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