@Blue Jackets de Columbus

« Heavy Conditional Skating » à l’entraînement en ce moment… alias Bag Skate




  1. Fulker01

    Gotta do something to light a fire under this team.

  2. Is anyone surprised after Monday night’s game? 🙂

  3. EverlastingEvening

    I don’t know if it is just a lack of coverage or what but I feel like I never saw this with Larsen.

  4. Zippos777

    « The beatings will continue until morale improves »

  5. iamelloyello


    We had O N E bag skate under Larsen. Maybe three over the course of two years, but I vividly remember saying to myself « how has he not worked these guys in practice for the shit tier effort we’re getting » last year.

    Thank fucking God Pascal understands this sentiment.

  6. leaf_blowr

    Glad to see him light a fire under them at the start of the season. All things considered, our first period offensive efforts looked great against Detroit. Think whoever scored first was going to open the flood gates regardless. Just disappointed in our lack of effort after the fact.

  7. knukklez

    This brings back memories of how the Finnish media called out Larsen’s practices for being weak.

  8. Independent_Context4

    has to get this team motivated and bought in somehow

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