
Les Panthers dévoilent le sponsor du maillot domicile, LaCroix

Les Panthers dévoilent le sponsor du maillot domicile, LaCroix



  1. The-Hostess

    All things considered, not an awful sponsor, and very blended in. Considering I have to live in this new jersey sponsored world, this is about as good as you can hope for

  2. OrchidCareful

    Was going to comment « inb4 someone defends this disgusting corporate bullshit by saying it’s not as bad as the other ads » but OP got there immediately

    Like yeah maybe it’s the best of the jersey ads but it’s still so repulsive and greedy and disrespectful of the game of hockey and the fans and history. This is how we get to « I’m ok with jersey ads when they’re done well » which is bullshit imo

    Forgive me while I clutch my pearls but god I hate this being more and more normal

  3. PerpetualEbb

    Tampa Bay Liquid Death sweater ad incoming?

  4. Commercial-Row4740

    Wow look at all these teams who managed to make their ugly corporate logos at the very least the same colour as the jersey. Looking at you RBC, fuck you.

  5. Bryan-with-a-Y

    That’s too bad. Also who took the photo posted? Blurry foreground and background, great advertising there.

  6. GroundbreakingCow775

    Your Ad free jersey is brought to you by “xyz” is the best branding opportunity

  7. lat3ralus65

    If the Kraken would just go with Costco as their jersey sponsor I’d absolutely buy one of their jerseys

  8. BlackCherrySeltzer4U

    It’s perfect because the panthers are a bunch of ‘LaDouches.’

  9. Realistic_Lab_176

    Goes well with the jersey, not bad at all for a logo

  10. SauceHankRedemption

    The picture of the ad getting stitched on like it’s such an iconic moment…

  11. GorshKing

    Everyone saying not that bad, better than others, etc. Stop. Full stop. No ads on jerseys period. This is appeasement and a slippery slope to worse bullshit. We shouldn’t have to be bombarded with ads in every aspect of our lives. I don’t give a shit if the players get more money, the teams, the NHL, the networks. Fuck this and everywhere we get blasted with ads

  12. MacTheZaf

    That is unbelievably cool, I love the stuff

  13. OttoRocket94

    I’m so glad the Lightning haven’t put an ad on the jersey yet

  14. PabstForBreakfast

    Hard as fuck, this might even be better than the Milk patch

  15. BarkMingo

    stop normalizing this

    stop pretending this isn’t an abomination

  16. Squabbles123456789

    That stuff is super gross, tasted it once and will never try it again, I literally spit it out

  17. I wish there was even just 1 player that was as vocally against these ads as all the bigoted players were against having to wear rainbows.

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