@Jets de Winnipeg

NHL News on X : Les #NHLJets ont enregistré ce soir leur plus faible fréquentation d’un seul match de l’histoire des Jets 2.0 (hors Covid) : 11 226 (73,2 %)

Assez inquiétant étant donné le message très direct de True North au printemps dernier selon lequel l’équipe pourrait repartir si nous n’achetons pas de billets.



  1. The_world_is_done

    Maybe because bread costs $20 and WW3 is about to start

  2. FurtherUpheaval

    Go talk to the people operating out of Centerport and sell some season tickets since downtown and Rural Manitoba is dead.
    *CentrePort Canada is North America’s largest trimodal inland port and Foreign Trade Zone, offering 20,000 acres of high-quality, affordable industrial land. Strategically located at the hub of international trading corridors, CentrePort Canada connects businesses to major markets around the globe.*

  3. Anthonyyy-409

    11,226 and it’s still louder than most arena atmospheres in the NHL.

  4. Goose_Dickling

    It’s because going to the games sucks for the price. Same reason why I gave up my season tickets after a decade. The arena experience is brutal

  5. raxnahali

    They are not going anywhere, and are hardly going broke. What they need to do is pull their heads out of their asses and price according to what people can afford vs the product on the ice.
    The product has been mediocre most years despite making the playoffs more often than not.
    Stop gouging your customers and they will show up and spend.

  6. Leopardskuull

    I don’t buy beer/food at games anymore

  7. Amos_Burton666

    Sounded loud on TV I was surprised to find the number out. Wish I lived closer I would be going alot. I see them when they come to Edmonton and its insanely expensive

  8. ChucklesLeClown

    It was a Tuesday and they raised prices.

  9. fdisfragameosoldiers

    Do I want to go to a Jets game or do I want to be able to afford groceries for this week? Hmmm 🤔

    Seriously though Arizona doesn’t even have their own arena and they have been rejected by 2 different cities in their bid to relocate and Garry is still allowing the league to prop them up. The sky isn’t falling yet for the Jets. Unless the economy completely collapsed in Canada the Jets will still make money. Its not like the team doesn’t have any fans at all. We just can’t afford $4-500 to go to a game right now.

  10. kingwoodballs

    Mediocre team. Gouging prices. Regular Joes and Janes struggling to get by.
    Nhl team lacks attendance.
    Jets ownership: shocked pikichu face.

  11. Just look at the Bombers and Sea Bears. Winnipeg fans will support if the price is right.

  12. brocklanders83

    I’m not sure exactly what the solution is here but they need to make some changes. That said, I have full season tickets, two seats, in 317 and my price per ticket per game is $62.50 (CAD obviously). Considering the size of the arena, 300 section is basically a 200 section in almost other arena, are there really that many NHL teams where I could have season tickets in 200 level seating for $45 USD a game per ticket?

  13. jolecore204

    I have no problem with the price IF I feel like the team is as invested as I am.
    I haven’t felt that way since before covid.

    Superstar defenseman and generational talent retires into training camp. Totally his prerogative but it could be argued that the team still hasn’t recovered from that loss.

    Beloved head coach quits half-way through the season. Only to take another coaching job the following season.

    Wheeler, Dubois, Stanley and god knows who else request trades to get out.

    I’m beyond thrilled that 55 and 37 re-signed long-term but the scales are still deeply unbalanced.

    I don’t think it’s asking to much to want to feel like the investment actually wants to be here.

  14. ArferMorgan

    Only going to get worse if they keep playing like that

  15. Meanwhile the Bombers are about to sell out their 4th consecutive game… in an outdoor stadium… in October..

  16. samarahighwind

    one of the complaints i have see is the in-game product beyond the team. there has been some improvements and new things are being tried out. AND TN is listening (now have some local beers). the new standing area looks pretty neat – haven’t had a chance to check it out myself.

    in arena changes are being made to address the concerns. that being said, the ticket prices are a problem. no one is going to see the changes if they can’t afford tickets.

    but tickets in the 300s to see STL on tuesday are $43.75! the 300s are pretty nice seats!

  17. LaytonsCat

    What really concerns me about this is that it was the 2nd game of the season. Its not -40 in January and we did this. It was the 2nd game of the season, after resigning our two best players

  18. Grant1972

    Went to my 1st game of the season. Nice reno’s for P1 ticket holder in the prairie 360 area. However, above the old Bud lounge they renovated to have 4 seat blocks @$127k/ year (from what I was told) includes tickets to all CLC events (concerts, etc.). They are headed in the wrong direction with the fan base.

  19. CanadianFireDrill

    Talked to my doctor during my checkup last week. He said it’s too expensive for him and his wife (who is also a doctor) to go to games. Now if 2 doctors think it’s expensive what does that say in regards to your average person.

  20. dojo2020

    Tough to watch on Tv. There seems like it gets quiet at times. The music needs to get folks off their hands between whistles better. Oilers TV broadcast makes it sound louder when the home team needs a boost. I’m a lifelong Jets fan living in Alberta and TSN doesn’t support the broadcast team. I like watching us teams support for broadcasts and compare. Us has more pizzazz and better color commentators. Games still suck but it’s very watchable if there’s a team in the division playing. I watch on Sportsnet +. As far as the team…bring back Cliff Thorburn. Or a scrapper with some serious swagger. And several more who have no problems taking the body and check like wolverines. Get some emotion and as Letterkenny says…”BETTER SET THE TONE”. Yup

  21. Witty-Potential

    Stopped going when they banned me from the rink long after Provincial mandates said they had to.

    Also, drop the religious statement before the game. I’m there to be entertained not to be made to feel bad about my skin color.

  22. itsmehobnob

    They aren’t walking away from all the real estate they’ve developed. The Jets aren’t leaving and the sky isn’t falling. They have the richest owner out of any of the North American pro sports teams.

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