@Canucks de Vancouver

Chris Faber sur le manque de structure des Canucks, Tocchet, scénarios commerciaux de Garland, perspectives de la semaine

Chris Faber de Canucks Army & Canucks Conversation se joint à son espoir de la semaine et à son point de vue sur l’échange Friedman-Jack Rathbone. Il récapitule la défaite contre Philadelphie avec ce qui n’a pas fonctionné. Présenté par @theWhistlerGolfClub (https://lnk.to/SPWGC) https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.instagram.com/sekeresandprice/ https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https:/ /www.tiktok.com/@sekeresandprice https://www.youtube.com/sekeresprice https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com #Canucks #NHL #VancouverCanucks #Hockey #Vancouver


  1. Last night the Canucks reverted back to the Canucks of old. Absolute chaos in their own end. No one knew what anyone else was doing

  2. It was be exceptable if the team really was that poor, but we know that they're better than that. Hard work isn't easy and you can't tale any shortcuts

  3. In reality the Canucks could be 0-3 if the Oilers had any kind of goaltending. In the first two games vs Edmonton they were out played but had better considerably better goaltending

  4. Last night it looked like the Canucks just collectively gave up on the game that's why I'm glad Tochs said what he said post game because I'm hoping that woke the Canucks up.

  5. Can I just say I’m so glad you guys have Fabes on the show . As a fellow prospect stocker I truly love this man’s passion for future nhl players . Keep him on as long as possible pleeeaaasee .

  6. 3 phases. Forecheck hard. Hustle back to pick up a player and assist defensemen. Pressure on puck side forcing opposition to hurry

  7. Five coaches and three managements and the results kinda looked the same two games in a row…..what’s the issue here ? The players have all changed we don’t have Bo we don’t have the Sedins, we don’t have Edler anymore those guys are all retired or traded. The team is nothing like the 2016 2017 and barely like 2019 even but the results look the same. At some point you have to just throw your hands up and say we are cursed

  8. Three coaches have pretty much complained about the same thing. The team isn't built properly, big surprise lol. Need better leaders and multiple leaders throughout the lineup at every teir to get all parts of the lineup to buy into what coaches are selling.

  9. Hopefully trade Garland before Nashville in Town October 31 2-8 month of October Benning core still here November make it or Break it

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