@Canadiens de Montréal

[Arpon Basu] « Nick dirait ça aussi, mais il doit être meilleur, c’est sûr. » – Martin St. Louis sur Nick Suzuki. Il ajoute qu’il ne s’en inquiète pas, Suzuki s’en rendra compte. Mais jusqu’à présent, cela n’a pas été suffisant.

[Arpon Basu] « Nick dirait ça aussi, mais il doit être meilleur, c’est sûr. » – Martin St. Louis sur Nick Suzuki. Il ajoute qu’il ne s’en inquiète pas, Suzuki s’en rendra compte. Mais jusqu’à présent, cela n’a pas été suffisant.



  1. KeepUpTheFPS

    Love Nick but he does have these stretches where he just seems a bit behind the play, less engaged. Hopefully he’ll just turn it on next game

  2. GroundInfinite4111

    It’s unfortunate what happened to Dach this season, already, but I *kind of* feel that if he had this season, and moving into his prime next season, that Dach had the *potential* to be our 1C.

  3. He have too much ice time so he’s pacing himself for the long run. Cut his TOI Marty!

  4. BlazeOfGlory72

    While this is definitely true, I always find it a bit of a dangerous game calling out your star player. Sure, Nick could be better, but where is the rest of the team? Personally, I’d be kind of annoyed if I were Suzuki, having basically carried a garbage team with no help from anyone besides Caufield for years now, then I struggle for 3 games and I get called out by the coach. Like, if we are calling players out, why not Gallagher? Dude has done jack shit for years now despite having an A on his jersey.

  5. crissdecaliss

    If there is one thing we should not worry about, it’s Suzuki bouncing back. He has always and will always catch up

  6. catman_steve

    Did anyone else notice Suzuki looked like he put on a lot of weight in the off season…and not in a good way. It could possibly explain his slower start. There were a few pictures during the late summer where he was sporting a pretty solid gut. But it is entirely possible I’m reading into it too much.

  7. I thought Nick seems mildly out of shape. He’s slower and way less engaged than usual. Making lazy passes etc.

  8. zzzzoooo

    If we consider the ice time and the PP opportunities given to Suzuki, he’s among the worst player so far. But I’m not worried at all as he has had very often slumps, much more than other first-line players.

  9. lyme6483

    I’m not giving him a pass, and he’s been bad overall, but I’m sure the slow build gets tiring to players like him and Caufield, who are clearly better than their teammates on a given night, and are ready to win. And also your teammates drop like flies surrounding him each year.

    Nick has been the only Ironman on this team not getting injured, and playing with AHL talent a ton last year. No way that doesn’t wear on you as a player.

    Also, I think if most are being honest he’s a 2C on a Cup contender, so I feel his expectations are almost always going to be higher than his talent level. Especially being Captain as well.

    Hopefully he can get it going soon. But like I said, I think his explanations are higher than his true talent level.

  10. HeShootsHS

    I have one concern with suzuki tbh maybe I’m completely off track but he never displayed a lot of speed. I wonder if conditioning might be an issue as he gets older. He seems slower each year.

    Granted he doesn’t rely on speed for his type of game but at one point if you lose a fraction of a second it might make a difference.

    Plenty of time to get his groove and game shape back though. I believe he’ll turn things around real quick.

  11. koozer19

    Out of all the things to worry about with the habs suzuki is pretty damn far down on my list lol

  12. It’s very simple. It’s piss poor conditioning.

    The dude is chubby and his cardio sucks. It’s like this every year.

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