@Oilers d'Edmonton

POST-BRUT | Jay Woodcroft 19.10.23

Jay s’adresse aux médias après la défaite 4-1 des Oilers contre les Flyers à Philadelphie jeudi.


  1. Jay is the most overrated coach in the show. And an entire team of passengers. 💩 💩 💩

  2. Woodcraft believes that his system is not reliant on emotion… this is bs… he controls this team so much so that he does not allow them to play their game and what got each player to the NHL… Stop relying on a system completely, and allow your players to be emotional and give them free will to try stuff… Run and Gun teams thrive on this…

  3. Vancouver and Philadelphia will make the playoffs 😂😂 LGO

  4. From what I’ve seen so far, it does feel like a team that thinks they have all the skill in the world and they don’t have to work hard. 🤷‍♂️

  5. Edmonton Media Reps are like Scorpions, there is nothing they do that doesnt include a nasty sting that leaves a mark every time. Woody just hung the Men out to dry by lowballing their lack of playing up the Woodys/Oilers standard of work Ethic. Its time to just go back to last years System 110% and not look back for a New York second. Woody jobs on the line here…he hasnt earned enough NHL currency on his Resume yet to buy a Get Out of Jail Free card….his ego took a a hit from an Opposition players negative commentary after a major Playoff loss when everyones nerves were raw and their hearts were bared, its easy to birth a Vendeta in that incubator of evil , but WINNERS dont cry over spilt milk, they call the Cat over then go have a Jolly-Pop. This has been a historical over-reaction. Woody was SNIPED during the Playoffs, it was not any type of System weakness or tactical letdown, he was SNIPED. So let it go. There is an (existing)Oilers Template that fits Wooodcrafts Coaching Team and System and Players Assets, that is extremely Defensively focused. I hope the Oilers find it before they are down another game.

  6. Jay: “how do you like my mafia suit tonight “
    Reporter: “looked corny”
    Jay:” that’s not nice, I wanted to inspire this team”
    Reporter:” how Jay? This team was uninspired and didn’t show up for you. What does that say about you as a head coach?”
    Jay:” that I suck! I should be fired”

  7. All that offensive power shut down by a team playing better defence. We can’t outscore our issues need defence Holland Nurse is awful by the way.

  8. Please trade CONNOR BROWN AND EVANDER THE GAMBLER KANE!!! McDAVID looks helpless out there. Get TJ OSHIE. Trade for scoring wingers. Trade EVAN BOUCHARD FOR REAL DEFENSE. We need a real defenseman out there . Nurse is not cutting it. This was a stinker!

  9. You get the feeling Jay's losing the room. When players start looking like they don't give a crap every game, or every 2nd game and not executing night after night, players aren't believing in something. A professional athlete's ego is too big so there's a fairly high probability it has nothing to do with not believing in themselves. It likely has everything to do with not believing in the coach, the coaching staff and the system the coach has implemented. Just ask Calgary or Vancouver as to what exactly they believed in or didn't believe in last year. Two examples where the coach was kindly shown the door with severance pay.

  10. I only watched the 1st episode, and they were playing with effort and purpose.
    That said…only 4 shots in the 3rd ? That is weak.

  11. Once again. A coach who doesnt know how to use a timeout. Would have been nice to taoe a timeout in mid 1st and lean into the effort and not waste a entire period till the break. Does Jay motivate these guys enough?

    Havent had these questions before. We cant be tired. Its 4 games. It cant be that players arent fighting for positions or play. We have basiclalya bottom six anyone line thatcould easily be sent down any time. So it isnt that. Seems like everyone likes everyone. Player to player.

    Is jay losing the team? I hope not.

    Its clear we cant make ingame analysis by the coaches to make adjustments to what the teams aredoing against us. Thats called being outcoached. And if itseffort too then you have some unhappy players in a unhappy system

    Mightneed a better motivator and abetter assistant x's and o's assistant staff

  12. Is it me or does anyone feel like we dont know what speed to play? We have half a team who wants to slow it down and be ultra defensive and we have halfa team whos talented and plays fast extending our holes and gaps. We need more points and trust in point shot's.

  13. The locker room blame game is starting to slowly form like a nasty funnel cloud in the sky on the horizon ready to touch down into a blistering tornado of finger pointing. Oilers have serious issues.

  14. Prediction: Woodcroft sits Campbell next game, screwing with Campbell's confidence and rhythm…again…. thinking Skinner's going to solve all the problems. And there are many, many, many problems on this team. Jack Campbell isn't one of them.

  15. Only 4 games in, but how is it possible that, relatively the exact same team, with the exception of 1 guy, virtually looks like a completely different team? There really is no other explanation except the coach and the system Woody has thrusted onto the players. Jack might have had 4 shut outs to start the season if Woody wasn't misusing his players. Jack has been the #1 player on the team thus far. No doubt about that.

  16. McDavid’s legs are looking a little weak.

    Any trips to Austin lately, Connor?

  17. These line combinations are garbage. How many games do we need to see Kane struggling before he is moved out of the top 6? Why hasn't Holloway been given an opportunity in the top 6?

  18. Hard work & tenacity capitalized on simple mistakes made by talented players. Oil standard of work ethic is not a high enough bar. Way too many coverage mistakes, penalties & turnovers.

  19. tricky; he doesn't want to fully criticize himself… or the players…. or the GM or the Pres that has a cushy job/pay (Nicholson) that employs all the GM's… that don't seem to really put fwd the effort to assess and get the personnel needed. All mgt seems to be in a rather lay mode – to just ride McD as a 'cash cow'… but ultimately grind the org into the ground?
    That said; seems Foeg at $3mil could skate to make sure he is 1st to puck on 1st goal…. vs stop… that Bouch could keep head in game vs 2 muffs again to cause 2 goals against, that Campb maybe could have stopped that basic shot on the short-handed, that Kane may know to go to a hi danger scoring position so McD could pass to him – vs skate right into him to compete w him for the lose puck & maybe cause injury to him… and Kulak… They can be better…

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