@Canucks de Vancouver

Tampa 19/10/23 Hommage à Tyler Myers

Tampa 19/10/23 Hommage à Tyler Myers



  1. julesieee

    Love the song choice


    Chaos Giraffe is trending on X 🥰

  2. HanSolo5643

    The memes on this subreddit are one of the reasons I keep coming back.

  3. NinCross

    I can always count on the memes to help me cope with the daily struggle of being a Canucks fan.

  4. ObjectiveSubjects

    That’s gonna be one hell of a day in the film room with Tocchet

  5. Couldn’t finish Petey the first time, so why not take a run at him

  6. MyNameIsSkittles

    How could they trade Pearson and keep this baffoon. *Oof*

  7. CuffMcGruff

    hahah as soon as I saw her do that in the stands I knew it would be memed

  8. TalkinTrash1118

    I just cannot understand the decision on the 2nd goal. The first you can maybe describe it as a picked off pass or clearance, but the 2nd is.. like what the fuck? What was he trying to achieve there? Did Myers just forget he was killing a penalty? It isn’t even bad because he took out Petey, but rather consciously decided to force a 50/50 puck battle and left a 3 on 1 down low. Actually not even 50/50 because he took out Petey in his attempt.

    There are moments that age you. Watching that was one of them.

  9. overthisbynow

    It hurts even more watching Demko make 2 great saves after only to have it end up going in. I like Myers but jfc get him out of here put a winger in his spot if you have to idc

  10. WTFvancouver

    It’s like he is using the wrong lie for his stick or something. That pass was all toe. Like something you see in a beer league.

  11. overscaled

    for god’s sake, don’t put Myers and Pete on the ice at the same time.

  12. Maybe Myer’s is switching between universes and he keeps jumping back into this universe right at pivotal moments and is confused because in the other universe he’s just a giraffe grazing in a open plain.

  13. jeffnals

    I mean he did score too. I hate the way Myers plays as much as the next man but give him credit where credit’s due

  14. Tatehamma

    He needs to go back to Africa and just stick to eating trees. Fuck Myers.

  15. Nuck_1198

    For the love of God, just get rid of this guy or bench him or send him down, worst case scenario would be to give him the most sheltered minutes as possible. This guy actually has zero hockey IQ.

  16. IveOutgrownHFboards

    Just… wow. we’d be better off playing down a man, than having Myers on the ice.

    Come on Tocchet, have mercy on this fanbase: Bench that idiot already! Or better yet, send him to the ECHL – we don’t want him ruining Abbottsford too.

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