@Golden Knights de Vegas

À qui dois-tu coller avec amour une rondelle d’argent pour obtenir un peu de respect ?

5-0 départ, 3% de chances de gagner la coupe…



  1. JackManningNHL

    We did this all year and won. Fuck em.

  2. Top_Faithlessness903

    Love being the under…let it ride.

  3. Hey they can keep being wrong, again. Fine by me

  4. Sumdood88

    Don’t want their respect. Oilers got all their “respect” last year and look where it got them.

  5. I just think it’s hilarious that we’re number ten, behind a team we just beat! And behind a team that’s 3-2!

  6. CDROMantics

    Oilers at 1-3-0 have an 81.9% chance at making the playoffs.

    Golden Knights at 5-0-0 have a 72.4% at making the playoffs.

    Makes sense. No bias here. Move along.

  7. arashinoko

    Has MoneyPuck ever been right about anything?

  8. Consistent_Nobody1

    They still have our odds at winning the cup last year at .05%

    Edit: Sorry re-reading the chart…the FUCKING FLAMES ARE ABOVE US?!?

  9. WheresWaldo562

    Fine by me, seemed like the entire post season Vegas was the least favored to win each round they were in.

  10. SickSalamander

    If moneypuck’s model ranks you highly, you’re doing it wrong.

  11. KameMeansTurtle

    Man I REALLY don’t want to see fucking moneypuck posts all season after what happened last year. If our cup win wasn’t enough to convince you that this shit is beyond useless, I don’t know what to tell you.

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