@Canadiens de Montréal

Miami Dolphins vs Carolina Panthers JEU COMPLET Faits saillants HD | NFL Semaine 6 – 15 octobre 2023

Miami Dolphins vs Carolina Panthers JEU COMPLET Faits saillants HD | NFL Semaine 6 – 15 octobre 2023


  1. Who he’ll coach this game for Carolina can’t block can’t pass over throw every need go back and show them how to block and tackle no good 👍 learn how to tackle and block

  2. Remember last seasons Thursday night game at Cincinnati in which Tua was knocked unconscious and was taken off the field on a stretcher. As he lay on the turf, his fingers displayed what’s known as the “fencing response,” which typically indicates a serious neurological issue.
    The symptoms of CTE include memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, anxiety, suicidality, parkinsonism, and, eventually, progressive dementia. These symptoms often begin years or even decades after the last brain trauma or end of active athletic involvement. Remember, Tua showed 5 unique concussion signs after a head impact:
    Tua grabbed his head in pain. Tua stumbled when he stood. Tua "shook off the cobwebs" and moved his head side-to-side (which you only do in the instance of a concussion) Tua fell. Tua then had to be held up by his teammates. A vegetative state is a disorder of consciousness or an altered consciousness. It is caused by severe brain damage. Someone in a persistent vegetative state may look like they're awake, but they don't have an awareness of their surroundings. Tua will eventually need his football spoon fed to him.

  3. Why do you show highlights then with 5mins to go you block it with other videos ! U stink at making videos

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