@Ligue nationale de hockey

Le défenseur des Coyotes Travis Dermott défie l’interdiction de la LNH sur les cassettes Pride

Je suis très fier de Dermott pour avoir fait cela et je ne peux qu’espérer que cela déclenchera une vague de joueurs défendant ce qui est décent.



  1. Icy-Ant4929

    Good guy move from Dermott. Just waiting to see if the NHL will fine him for this.

  2. IronGigant

    If a little bit of colourful tape gets your jammies in a twist, change your jammies.

    Good on him.

  3. vintage_rack_boi

    I’m not a fan of any of the themed nights and was personally happy when they did away with all the jerseys. I’m actually still fine with theme nights in general but was cool with players not being involved. However banning the tape was the dumbest thing of all time. NHL would be really really dumb to fine.

  4. All the media wants attention for themselves so much that they won’t just let this slip under the radar like they should.

    Is coloured tape more of an issue than how much the media focuses on these things?

    If you were a gay NHL player why would you want to come out with all this attention and pressure?

    The real inclusivity should be to shut up about it and change the locker room culture.

    Coloured tape isn’t fixing that.

  5. smilecrocodile1

    I guess this ban on rainbow tape will show the players true colours and if they actually support the LGBTQ community. Let’s see how many players use the tape during their teams pride nights.

  6. xen0m0rpheus

    Well I just became a huge Travis Dermott fan. Hoping more players step up and do the right thing.

  7. Traditional_Bee_6637

    Good for him.

    Here’s what I don’t get. So themed night didn’t work out? Cool enough. I’m not super stoked it couldn’t work but it’s fine, there’s fair arguments on both sides as to why it should or should not exist. With enough controversy for it. I’m fine it’s not there.

    However removing the ability to even wear a certain colour tape is a bit much. We went from all the way in to massively over correct and remove it.

    I don’t get why players can’t express themselves if they so choose.

  8. MoeGreenVegas

    Let’s see how some pro Palestine tape goes over

  9. Tux_Ralphie

    Oh cool, the 10th thread about this topic….

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