@Blues de Saint-Louis

Sujet d’après-match : St Louis Blues vs Winnipeg Jets – 24 octobre 2023

2023020093 STL perd, 2 – 4 .

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  1. STLBooze3

    I know it’s early in the season, but this offensive production to date is concerning to say the least. 1/15 on the PP, can hardly consistently get 20+ shots on net.

  2. weesna123

    Welp. There’s some stuff to work on, for sure.

  3. dixie12oz

    Now starting to lean towards up and down season that is ultimately disappointing. They show flashes of what they can do but my word, they just seem completely disconnected far too often.

  4. alexgetty

    I can’t understand the level this team competes at and then…just…shits the bed. I’m fuckin lost.

  5. HypeForTheHypeGod

    We got a PP goal and goal with an empty net, so that’s good I guess?

  6. mhanna86

    Couldn’t watch the game, reasonable takeaways/game summary?

  7. STLBooze3

    If we’re gonna play Scandella and Tucker less than 12 minutes consistently and hardly use them in the PK if at all, might as well let Scotty p and Bortuzzo get a shot.

  8. Jazzlike_Cock934

    Got a real taste of what this team really is this year. Defense is being ran better, but man these guys just don’t have the physicality to maintain any offensive pressure. Gonna be a lot of breakaways and low amount of shots.

    Something needs to change or we’re probably going to stay far down in all the state catagories. Idk how you make a team more physical though. Kids need to grow.

  9. We swung too far. Last year we gave up too many goals now we can’t score any goals.

  10. STL_bourbon

    Could Kevin Hayes be any more invisible out there? Not that it’s really fair to single him out when our entire offense has been brutal, but still

  11. Oldwoodguy

    The hawks got shut out and they’re basking in replays of Bedards disallowed goal.

  12. jaredcnote

    Tank and trade Vrana, scandella, and Kap at deadline. Not sure Hayes would command any draft capital. Stock the cupboards

  13. Unfortunately this is what I forsee for the rest of the season. One guy goes on a heater every other game, Saad one night, Kyrou the next, then Buch etc…. If no one is ripping it up, like tonight, we look lost and can’t control either end of the ice. We’ve yet to see this team gel on the other hand, so I would love to be proven wrong. Right now we look like just a bunch of guys out there and not a team.

  14. KC-Slider

    Dump – Chase – Lose puck possession – Transition to defense, rinse, repeat.

  15. CastielClean

    This team is the exact opposite of the 2019 Cup team.

  16. Weak_Touch8638

    I don’t see Kyrou finishing his contract with the Blues and I don’t see Berube as the head coach at the beginning of next season.

  17. NotTheRocketman

    I’m of two minds after this game;

    * I admire the Blues for never really tanking and always trying to compete. That is genuinely admirable.
    * I look at the NHL now, and almost every legitimate contending team has been built by ripping it up, and using a Top 5 pick to build their team with, often more than one. Even the 2019 Blues did that.

    I look at the future of the Blues, and I see a lot of 1st and 2nd round exits because they just don’t have a core star to build around.

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