@Red Wings de Détroit

[Daniella Bruce] Derek Lalonde a déclaré avoir reçu des excuses de la part des arbitres pour le lancer manqué immédiatement après la 2e période. Lalonde a ajouté : « Les excuses vont très loin. Une tonne de respect pour ça. #LGRW

[Daniella Bruce] Derek Lalonde a déclaré avoir reçu des excuses de la part des arbitres pour le lancer manqué immédiatement après la 2e période. Lalonde a ajouté : « Les excuses vont très loin. Une tonne de respect pour ça. #LGRW



  1. DisquoLemonade

    It baffles me that a ref might not apologize there. The immunity refs have in the NHL is horrible.

  2. MightyBosskTones

    With some soft calls (going both ways) an egregious missed call that turned the game upside down, cross bar hit from Veleno, missed breakaway from Larkin, and a post rattled by Raymond, the Wings still hung in there. The hockey gods shuffled the deck to stack it against us and they still got a point.

  3. He also said he thought both the sprong and Larkin penalties in the third were penalties and they can’t take those late in games.

  4. Wingedwolverine03

    When we miss the playoffs by a couple points or a tiebreaker these are the games that will have fucked us.

    There are 8 eyes on the ice that can make that call, and it was directly on the puck where at least 4 of them are supposed to be looking.

    Fuck the apology, do your fucking job for a change.

  5. Riztrain

    I know the refs are « just human » and anyone can make mistakes, and I agree, except they are just humans with one job, which they do in 20 minute increments to a total of 60 minutes, of which they get a paycheck for.

    One or two mistakes every now and then is fair, it happens, but this has been a trend for a long time now, almost every night of hockey there’s missed calls or calls made completely out of nowhere (see Chiarot getting a minor for moving a guy away from a downed goalie). Imagine if every job had that kind of leeway, and what your daily life would be like; traffic lights red in every direction for an hr? Criminals robbing a store at gunpoint while police officers are watching in line? Your garbage cans thrown around covering your yard in trash? Store clerk accidentally adds an extra zero to your debit charge? It’s all good right? No reason to complain or expect these people to do their job, after all, they’re « just human »

    I would like the nhl to hold their refs to a higher standard, and when calls are bad or missed, there should be a system to rectify it. Coaches challenge is too restrictive and risky, and I get it’s meant to deter over use, but if you don’t want them to use it freely, you gotta tighten up the ship on your end. A thrown stick shouldn’t be missed, and if it is, then those 4 referees are not capable of the simplest parts of their job (looking) and aren’t fit for the job

  6. RedWingsFan1990

    They should be allowed to throw a coaches challenge on that play. That was either going in or a 50/50 on the penalty shot. Instead it went the other way and Seattle got a 2 goal lead.

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