@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Claude Giroux, Josh Norris, Jakob Chychrun et DJ Smith Disponibilité des médias d’après-match contre BUF

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith, les attaquants Claude Giroux et Josh Norris ainsi que le défenseur Jakob Chychrun après le match de ce soir contre Buffalo au Centre Canadian Tire. 0:00 DJ Smith 3:07 Claude Giroux 5:44 Josh Norris 8:13 Jakob Chychrun


  1. Same old. We need a new coach. His system doesn’t seem to be working and it seems he doesn’t hold his players accountable. Too soft in my opinion.

  2. Effort was awful for 50 minutes who is teaching these guys for 1 hand reach in fly bys where we then give our opponents a 2 on 1 simple things need to be cleaned up it's not complicated gotta be better guys

  3. Not time to panic Claude? Go watch the replay of the last two games. Sens looked awful and disorganized

  4. stutzles gotta be leading the league in giveaways by now. tape ur damn stick

  5. I feel the root cause of missing goals is passes that are not crisp. Many times the receiver bobbles the puck which gives the goalie that extra second to set up for a shot to the net.

  6. Going to be tough as all the teams in the east are good this year. It will be hard to win for sure. Detroit and Buffalo are on there ways to being champions.

  7. Our special teams were a big reason for the wins we have so far.. with Zub out the PK has been horrible thr last 2 games and for whatever other reason the PP has been stagnant too.. need to be better, gotta stay above .500 or somethings going to have to change real quick

  8. Dj's postgame is an embarassment. Its constant toxic positivity and excuses. He isnt an NHL coach and while he is shown the door Dorion can follow him out

  9. Literally carbon copy of every season for the last 4 years. GET RID OF DJ

  10. Yeah, I'm done with this franchise until they fire the coach. Can't stand another shit year while everyone else in our division manages to succeed.

    Fuck at this point a part of me thinks this core is fucked and well be shit for the next decade

  11. Only one who gets the feeling DJ doesn't care about losing? We talk about being a playoff team and then when we lose back to back at home against 2 teams we have claimed all offseason to be better than, only to see the guy who runs the team shrugging his shoulders and acting like its just whatever. I understand that the players might not feel like a change behind the bench is what we need but with the great additions of Andlauer and Staios there is still a feeling that we are missing something. We know it is not the roster, as even without Pinto you can tell by looking at the names on the jerseys we send out on the ice that we have a fair shot to win every single game, but the main thing I see in teams like Vegas, Tampa, Carolina, Boston, is how they play in front of coaches that show they care 100% win or lose all the time. Something that is hard to see in DJ at the moment. Yes it is still a small sample size and of course we are never going to go 82-0, but the Sens fans who have been praying the last 7 years for a team of this caliber can't wait for these things to simply sort themselves out any longer. GSG

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