@Canadiens de Montréal

[Rumours] Les Canadiens travaillent sur une transaction avec les Capitals impliquant Mantha et Armia (Pagnotta)

[Rumours] Les Canadiens travaillent sur une transaction avec les Capitals impliquant Mantha et Armia (Pagnotta)



  1. SellingMakesNoSense

    I hope so. I like Mantha, he’s overpaid but not useless.

  2. i dont get why we would do this, we already have too many wingers, and mantha is just a more expensive armia

    unless they are paying us extra it makes no sense tbh

  3. Future-Leave8185

    Last year of contract for Mantha, sure he’s more expensive than Armia, but he’d be much easier to move at the TDL while retaining salary with no effect on next season. Bring the kid back home!

  4. DIKs_Steeler

    I don’t see why Washington would do it. Mantha contract expire after this year. He’s their only UFA at the end of the season (with Pacioretty and Edmundson, but they are LTIR) and they are already up against to cap.

    They need to find space to sign Sandin, McMichael, Protas + maybe Phillips and Johansen. Even if they don’t command a big raise (or any), they don’t really have room for a 3M bottom-6 next year.

  5. Meh don’t care either way, both players play to their skill in 1 game out of 10, the + is that Mantha is a free agent at the end of this year.

  6. simonlegosu

    Expiring UFA vs UFA with 2 years left? Oh yes do it

  7. Seb_Nation

    Just like the Petry for Matheson, some teams are looking to take on a higher salary for the reward of shaving a year or more on the player they’re taking on. Montreal could very well do this as they’re in, what is considered to be, the last tank year of the team so clearing cap for next year is much more important than capitalizing on our cap this year.

  8. bcgrappler

    In a heartbeat, as long as they don’t retain on armia.

    Just in the contract status alone you have to do it.

  9. holdunpopularopinion

    Caps: You guys got any more of those, uh, Lars Eller type guys we could have?

  10. freddyg_mtl

    I would do it. Armia is dead wood on this team. Even paying half his salary next year would free off two roster spots next season.

    With the loss of Dach, we are certainly not in contention. Armia, one of our goalies, Pearson and Anderson (i wish) should be traded. Gally can’t be moved.

    Then we could actually start the rebuild. I wish Monahan could stay healthy because he fits so well with this team.

  11. slafyousilly

    I mean, sure, that’d be cool, but it’s pagnotta. There is no way I’m buying anything he’s selling. Give me la cloun

  12. flepine44

    Man wth happened to Mantha. 2016-2020 he was looking really solid and than nothing.

    I’d do it. Last year of his contract, got nothing to lose and worst case he walks. We have ice-time for him with Dach out. And we get rid of 1 Armia year. I just don’t know if WSH would ask for a pick as well

  13. As a fan of the Caps and the Habs. I want him off the Caps but not to the Habs. It’s been two years of watching him do literally nothing. Lazy, slow, can’t make a pass, can’t finish…

  14. juliusceasarsalads

    I’d do it in a heartbeat, we’d have more future cap space cleared up quicker and we’d have a more attractive trade asset than Armia for the year. I see literally no downside to this deal from the Habs end of the equation

  15. Studly_Wonderballs

    I wanted Mantha so bad in his draft year. Thought he’d be a perennial 30-40 goal scorer… newp

  16. bored-canadian

    Throw in ovechkin and a third and I think that’s fair.

  17. BlazeOfGlory72

    I’d make that trade in a heartbeat. Mantha is arguably better than Armia currently, and his contract expired a full year sooner. Just seems like a pure win for us.

  18. Lavs1985

    I don’t get the huge upside for Washington, but I’d say yes for us.

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