@Devils du New Jersey

Meier, Toffoli, Siegenthaler et Ruff après une défaite 6-4 contre les Capitals

0:00 – Meier 3:27 – Toffoli 4:27 – Siegenthaler 7:43 – Lindy Ruff


  1. No, Lindy, them skating through your guys isn’t the goalies’ fault. But not stopping the shots on goal is.

  2. Bottom line. The Devils deserved to lose with this pathetic effort, especially on D. Marino and Seigs have been underwhelming. Luke is young. Dougie's soft on D. And Smith is Smith.

  3. lindy needs to tell all the players before every single game we are down 2nothing starting the game lets go out there and win this game

  4. Everybody loves to dawg on smith. He was the least of my worries this evening. In fact, when a big hit got dealt to our players, smith dealt it back. Stop blaming him and blame the stars that deserve it. Ruff was 100 on his answers. Disappointing game.

  5. Lol “I’m not sure either.” Agree with Lindy. When you see how good the boys can be for 1 period a game it makes you shake your head when you can’t give the fans 60 mins at the Rock.

  6. I've only seen the highlights but Devils D looks atrocious. They look like a bunch of teenagers sometimes.

  7. Love Nico as a player, but still can’t help but think they need a veteran leader in that room who should be captain. Who has presence and can send the right message to get them going when they’re not listening to Lindy.

  8. Call up Nemec. Should've been on the main roster since day 1. Looked real good in Camps & Preseason. I don't think Nico is the guy as far as a captain goes. Need someone to get in players faces and hold them accountable.

  9. I'm chalking this up to growing pains. Either they figure it out this season, or they don't. We've got a lot of these pieces cheap for the long term.

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