@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Tom Dundon achète le bistro de l’arrière-cour

Tom Dundon achète le bistro de l’arrière-cour



  1. The_Reddit_Browser

    Looks like the start of the purchasing spree to renovate the area around the arena.

    I wonder if he will start to target the commercial buildings across the street as commercial real estate is tanking currently.

  2. notyomamasusername

    I’m torn…. It’s neat and I look forward to there being food/entertainment options near PNC….but I’m not overly enthusiastic on sports betting

  3. AngryGuitarist

    God I hope he doesn’t buy wade park blvd

  4. AirplaneEngineSpiral

    On the same day that an nhl player is getting suspended for gambling… the humor is there

  5. Fortune_Admirable

    Anything is better than Backyard Bistro

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