@Jets de Winnipeg

Je m’appelle Sara Orlesky, animatrice/productrice principale des Jets de Winnipeg. AMA !

Sara sera là à 11h CT le vendredi 27 octobre pour répondre à vos questions, alors DEMANDEZ-LUI TOUT ! En tant qu’animatrice/productrice principale, Sara apporte une voix unique et une capacité de narration exceptionnelle à la couverture exclusive, approfondie et en coulisses de l’équipe sur toutes les plateformes des Jets de Winnipeg. Certains des plus grands projets de Sara en cours en ce moment incluent **Homecoming: The Return of The Winnipeg Jets**, un documentaire audio en quatre parties réfléchissant sur les préparatifs du retour de la LNH à Winnipeg et les étapes de la première saison. **RUNWAY présenté par Bell MTS** est également de retour pour la saison 2 ! Sara et notre équipe numérique emmènent les fans dans les coulisses et découvrent la vie dans et autour des Jets de Winnipeg. Posez des questions à Sara sur ses projets en cours avec les Jets, sa carrière dans les médias sportifs, son plat préféré, TOUT ! **MODIFIER:** [PROOF!](https://twitter.com/NHLJets/status/1717934910890029355) Sara doit aller revoir quelques images de RUNWAY maintenant ! Merci à tous pour toutes les questions, nous essaierons de revenir plus tard sur certaines que nous avons manquées




    Wow! Im making a reminder on my phone rn!

  2. Hero_of_Brandon

    We miss you on the CFL sidelines, too!

    Please harass Buff until he aquieses and returns to a Jets game for the send-off he deserves. I don’t like that he’s just ghosting us.

    Tell him he just has to show up and hear the cheering for him, watch a video tribute, and wave to the crowd. No live interviews.

    Then afterward we can all go fishing and everyone will have fun and be responsible.

    Thanks Sara you’re the best.

  3. Astrowelkyn

    Hi Sara! I curious about which Jet (past or present) has been your favourite or most memorable interview, and why?

  4. DylThaGamer_

    This is going to be great! I can’t wait! 🙂

  5. Spare_Narwhal1660

    Hi Sara, what other new projects can we expect from you this season

  6. IM_NOT_A_HER0

    Hi Sarah,

    I am wondering if the move you made was your choice? I have to say that since you made the move, i do not think i have seen you at all.

    It seems, to me, that this move was a step down the ladder for you? Or is there something i am missing.

    I sure miss seeing you at the Jets and Bombers games as a regular ‘one air’ personality.

    Take care


    A step down the ladder from the publics perspective, going from a national broadcaster to a local sports team, to me, seems like a step down. Although that is just public impression, NOT taking into account: pay, job satisfaction, more responsibility. Was your/their decision based on Beyak leaving and TSN wanted a ‘new’ crew to take over?

  7. just-hangingout

    How do you choose which player to do a one on one with? Is it just senior team members? Or willing participants?

    Loved the chat with Josh.

    And, do you plan to have chats or « a day in the life of »: equipment guys, athletic therapists, the social media folks, etc! I remember there was something along these lines last year, and I found it fascinating.

    Edit:typo and adding clarity

  8. timriedel

    You bring an integrity and subject matter expertise to your job that is most noticeable in your interviews where you are clearly engaged in the conversations, actively listening to your interviewee and responding to the words they are saying, rather than just working off a question list and performing for the camera.

    I’m interested in hearing about the effort it has taken to hone your craft and separate yourself from the pack of would-be host/producers who are eager to just get « on air », to establish yourself in an industry that isn’t always a meritocracy.

  9. ottereckhart

    Hey Sara! Have to say I miss seeing you on the TSN coverage all the time but it’s been nice seeing all the great stuff you’ve been doing with the jets! I also enjoyed the post game shows last season on the jets YouTube for the home games.

    Given all the fuss being made about attendance what do you think it will take for us to turn that corner and get back to sell out (or close to sell out) crowds? (Independent of the teams performance on the ice)

    Also runway has been awesome do you have any other special goodies coming up for us soon? Plz tell us, you can trust us 😛

    Cheers, all the best.

  10. racer_24_4evr

    Was Kroppy as wonderful as he seemed? I get choked up seeing the video of him at his last game getting a standing ovation.

  11. DJ_Necrophilia

    Hows your mom doing? She was my vice principal in high school

  12. VapoRubbedScrotum

    I wonder if she knows about or remembers « biggametonight » ?

  13. Obviously hockey players have the stereotype for being boring interviews with some well-known characters that are exceptions. Who was the most surprising engaging personality you’ve interviewed from the Jets past/present?

    What is your favourite Winnipeg restaurant that doesn’t get the notoriety it deserves?

  14. StatikSquid

    Hi Sara!!! Thank you for all that you do for Winnipeg sports.

  15. megadeath2000

    I know you are from Winnipeg…but if you could cover hockey for any other NHL team which would you choose?

  16. witsmagicflute

    Hey Sara, thanks for doing this.

    I was wondering if you’d be able to share one or two things about working so closely with the Jets that may surprise the fans. Is there any part of your day that might be mundane for yourself or the players, but we might find interesting?

    Additionally, what would you say is your favourite part of your job, as well as the part that is your least favourite?

  17. lordrottenbottom

    Hi Sara,

    Why do bad things happen to good people?

    Thank you. Keep up the great work.

  18. finnish-flash13

    Hey Sara, your an absolute legend BTW! What’s the funniest thing you ever heard POMO say?


    Hey Sara big fan long time listener first time caller,
    Do you have any funny Byfuglien stories that happened behind the scenes? He always seemed aloof on camera but I like to think he’s a lot different off the record.

  20. shrouple

    what are your thoughts on the teams vision? do you like the mark Schiefele and connor hellebuyck signings?

    Or do you think we should have traded them both for a boatload of picks & prospects & young players and really load up for the next core as a « take 1 step back to take 2 steps forward kind of way ».

  21. shrouple

    what do you feel about your predessor Gary Lawless? We seem to have this rivalry with Vegas (unfortunately one sided). Both times we’ve met in the playoffs strange circumstances have happened at their facilities (year 1 the arena lights wouldn’t turn on so the jets couldn’t start their practices on time and year 2 the pedals on the warm up bikes went missing).

    Do you think this is just crazy happenstance or does one of their facilities managers do that on purpose (or my favourite tinfoil conspiracy is they were paid off by lawless?) haha

    do you think this speaks to their organization mentality of win at all costs (by being ruthless and trading fan favourites and players who just signed there) and should the jets org adopt a more similar attitude? (where it seems we won’t trade core players unless they ask to)

  22. empathyx

    Thanks for doing this Sara.
    Is it hard to not get lost in Mark Scheifele’s eyes?
    Same question, Josh Morrissey.

  23. empathyx

    Any good Dennis Beyak stories? We miss him.
    Thanks Sara!

  24. SKCDigital

    Have you had any players where the interviews were really different than you expected them to be in any way?

  25. neureaucrat

    Hi Sara, be real with us here… do staff from the organization skulk around in this sub from time to time?

  26. userfriendly23

    Sarah, you’re amazing, thanks for all you do.

  27. BigBuffDoinThangs

    Are we supposed to ask questions here or in a new thread on Friday

  28. AssaultPK

    What was big Dustin buff like?! Were you around when that guy was there? Any cool stories!

  29. PortageLaDump

    Was your grandmother a teacher at Bedson Elementary in Westwood in the late 60s & 70s? If so she was a wonderful teacher & person.

  30. FortunateSon77

    Are you a car person? What’s your top shelf dream car?

  31. mysteriouspigeon

    What was the transition like between very in-the-moment live coverage to more long-term projects? With the league changing day by day, do you ever find yourself scrambling to course-correct on long-term pieces?

  32. americancheese1

    What are your favourite restaurants in Winnipeg?

  33. sprocks17

    I miss seeing Sara on TSN covering the Jets and the Bombers!

  34. Imthecoolestdudeever

    Just wanted to say thank you for all you do for Winnipeg sports!

    I guess I can ask a question. What was your most memorable interview? And which one would you like to do over again?

  35. FortunateSon77

    Where were you in your career when you first felt your journalistic legs under you, and why was it when TSN sent you to report the return of the Winnipeg Jets?

  36. EikolajNhlers

    Who is the funniest player you ever got to interview?

  37. BayleighTheIntern

    Hey Sara, what is your favourite thing about your job?

  38. supercantaloupe

    Hi Sara,

    Which Jets player smells the best? Also which one smells the worst? Asking the hard hitting questions here.



    Hi Sara!!

    Which is your favorite Jets jersey of all time and why is it the white heritage?

    Thanks for all the content!!

  40. AlwaysS0Tired

    Hey Sara, what are your recommendations for the perfect game day snacks?

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