Cela fait quelques semaines que le scandale des abus sexuels des Blackhawks a été confirmé et nous a tous horrifiés, mais je voulais prendre le temps de rassembler mes pensées et de laisser les choses se calmer un peu. Les Blackhawks de Chicago de 2010 seront désormais à jamais entachés de scandale, non pas à cause de ce qu’ils ont fait, mais à cause de ce qu’ils n’ont pas fait. Ils ont refusé de faire ce qui s’imposait parce que le pouvoir exécutif estimait que cela les empêcherait de gagner. Les Blackhawks ont peut-être remporté la Coupe Stanley, mais ils ont harcelé plusieurs joueurs dans le processus (et ont finalement blessé un garçon de seize ans en refusant de reconnaître ce qui s’était passé). Le hockey a laissé tomber ces hommes, et ils l’ont fait par inaction. Cela nous amène à une conclusion : le hockey a un problème culturel, et la seule chose qui pourra le résoudre est de mettre ces atrocités en lumière. Ce sera pour la plupart décousu, mais c’est une divagation nécessaire.
@Blackhawks de Chicago
Tree, you got one thing wrong in this video; the letters of recommendation. They never gave him that, you'd know that if you read the Jenner and Block report(page 62 for this information). The closest thing they gave to a letter of recommendation was his day with the Cup; but other than that, no actual letters, no references, nothing of the sort. Aldrich denies it, even going so far in denying it that he claims he didn't even use his position with the Blackhawks on his resume; USA hockey couldn't find him listing the Blackhawks as a reference in any of their records, Miami University didn't have any records that he used the Blackhawks as a reference, and Houghton High School didn't have any records of him using the Blackhawks as a reference.
I just bought a Blackhawks jersey as i picked them to be my hockey team and i can't return it. Now I'm not sure if i wanna be a Blackhawks fan… guys i really need some advice here what do i do?
Imagine if u made a video like this about the nfl or nba you would be canceled
This commentator has major Soy Boy vibes
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting
Definitely deserves bedard 🤙🏻
Bedard is going to rape the whole fucking team
You forgot to mention that the Native American-themed SHITcago Blackhawks might try to sweep this mess under the rug by changing their name. Worked pretty well for Washington in the NFL, didn't it? ;D
Your tone makes a mockery of the event!
Yeah here's a little money to make the problem go away and then here's our generational talent to draft at number one. Fk the Hawks. This makes me loathe them all the more. I've hated this franchise for years here out of Nashville, and a Martin Erat turnover in game 5 of the 2010 series that sent them on their way at the time.
This video should have a million views.
Lifelong NHL fan but with each passing year, I pray that this league like most major sports leagues
goes bankrupt. Morally corrupt owners that bring i=us bread and circus.
The current NHL is barely watchable and too expensive. They could care less about the fans.
I drive an hour away to watch minor league hockey.
Hockey doesn’t have a culture problem it has a Gary Bettmen problem
Every time I remember the Avalanche-Red Wings rivalry of the late 90’s, I always think about how the Avs got constantly screwed over by the NHL when it came to punishing players. Darren McCartney gets nothing for shoving Adam Foote’s face into the boards, but Claude Lemieux gets 2 games for a 5 minute game misconduct AND a two game suspension for hitting Kris Draper? Sure, Drapers injury was terrifying, but Foote’s nose got wrecked! And now this? $2 million and the loss of their GM for covering up SEXUAL ASSAULT, while the Devils lose $3 million and TWO of their draft picks for just going over the salary cap?!?! What the actual heck, NHL? I thought there would be fairer punishments handed out after the Avs-Wings sh!t, but you’ve all learned nothing. Shame.
P.S. I know this was two years ago, but I don’t care. It’s still a big deal.
When the Blackhawks become contenders, they’ll become the Houston Astros of hockey.
Just back here to see the reactions after Rocky Wirtz died, the Hawks owner. Pos
Anyone here after the news broke out that Blackhawks owner Rocky Wirtz croaked?
Didn’t even make it to semi pro hockey before hanging up the skates due to traumatic brain injuries suffered in junior hockey. 3 month coma and first thing my coach asks me to do is come back and play. Currently being medically separated from the navy due to my TBI and being unable to perform my job due to it.
Just saying if I a predator I will coach a girls team.
I think something should be done about this. Something of substance, something that will make an example out of the NHL establishment and cow them into submission.