@Capitals de Washington

Il faut qu’on parle d’Ovechkin… :(

Nous devons parler du plus récent match des Capitals de Washington et des Sénateurs d’Ottawa, qui mettait en vedette un Alexander Ovechkin très fatigué et un Josh Norris en très bonne santé.


  1. Age catches up to you, people will say he's only one year older well that is all it takes is one year and then one more. Look at Tampa, they are an aging team too, not as bad as the Caps but people will say Veselisky* had an off year last year. Which I do no believe, it's that the team he is on has gotten older and isn't as dominant as they use to be so he has to step his game which he really hasn't.

  2. It’s too bad the NHL gave ovi a cup. He’s always been an individual. The NHL just didn’t want him to leave the game without a cup. Knowing he was their pride and joy with Crosby and a co-face of the NHL at one point. I say it’s too bad because he doesn’t deserve anything. And now here he is panhandling trying to beat Gretzky. I’d like to see the NHL change some things to make records beatable. But I don’t really like the sounds and look of a Russian selfish bum beating Gretzkies scoring record. Does anyone watch hockey? For the past 10 years he’s been a useless carrot just standing over there waiting for a shot. And he isn’t even a sniper. He just takes so many shots they go in sometimes. This is sad

  3. Its so crazy to watch these comments and compare how europeans vs north america think about ovechkin. We wouldnt wish nothing more that he's absolutely down fall and that he fails to beat gretzky's goal record. We love to see this😂 there is nothing to worry about

  4. Its way too early to say anything yet. Wouldnt Be surprised If he has 50 goals this season again. He Will get over 30 for sure

  5. Am I the only one that's fine with Ovie retiring into obscurity? The dude deserves zero praise after his praise of a genocidal dictator.

  6. Like grey haired Ovi, Gretzky also fell off a cliff with goal scoring. Father time catches us all. Goaless in 8 games including the end of last year. Hmmmm will he catch "THE GREAT ONE"?

  7. He'll be near the top in goals ny the end of the year. Everyone in the comments just haven't watched him the last 20 years. He hasn't dropped off yet, just watch

  8. There’s already kids lined up to take down any ovi records. Move on big guy. The Canadian kids are coming. Hahaha.

  9. Caps are toast. Next few years will be a circus of them force feeding pucks to ovechkin to try and break the record.

  10. Ovi is literally the worst player on the capitals and has been for years. Oshie, Backstrom, and Holtby are the only reason he ever won the cup. It's hard to play the game when you almost never go on your side of the red line at center ice

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