@Red Wings de Détroit

Je viens de rencontrer Stevie Y à l’aéroport métropolitain de Détroit !!

Il était définitivement concentré sur le match ce soir, mais il a eu la gentillesse de prendre rapidement une photo avec moi et un collègue !



  1. JoaquinBenoit

    Nice. Gives Michael Scott handshake vibes as well.

  2. Any non hockey fan would probably walk by him and not realize they just walked by one of the top 10 hockey players the world has ever seen lol

  3. MajorasShoe

    I’d be so mad if I got a pic with Stevie and a giant smiley emoticon hopped on in for the photo bomb like that

  4. MoldyMerkin

    You should definitely photoshop a Wings jersey on yourself and frame this shit with the caption « NHL 2024 Draft. » Or just frame it as is…

  5. twofortensale

    Is that arrow pointing to the yzer-plan?

  6. TheDozer314

    Is he flying commercial out of DTW?

    This past summer he was always flying in and out of the FBO I work at

  7. StevieTokes

    It’s so hard being a fan of legends lol. You want to respect their privacy as much as possible but being such a big fan id have to ask for a picture or an autograph or just to say how awesome he is.

  8. leafssuck69

    Saw him at a golf range a few months ago. He was 2 mats in front of me for about 30 mins but I was too scared to go up to him

  9. Mr_Fahrenheit-451

    Cool! I saw Newsy walking through Metro by himself a few months ago. He was on the phone, so no photo op for me.

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