@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Disponibilité des médias des Maple Leafs | 15 octobre 2023

L’entraîneur-chef Sheldon Keefe s’adresse aux médias après l’entraînement de dimanche. 0h00 – Sheldon Keefe ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://tml.hockey/3FvgtoG SUIVEZ-NOUS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/torontomapleleafs/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mapleleafs/ Twitter : https ://twitter.com/MapleLeafs #Leafs #LeafsForever #TorontoMapleLeafs


  1. Hopefully the Leafs play a better game defensively tomorrow. Last year the Leafs seemed to play down to the weaker opponents and losing to Chicago isnt ideal . They need to show no mercy this year to the bottom feeders

  2. AM34 is aware he can rewrite history tomorrow. He'll be flying out there

  3. Can we chill on the Bedard questions? We havent even played the Hawks yet, stupid media

  4. Easy schedule so far. We will see against better competition. The D same problem covering guys in front and need to block more shots.

  5. Can you please mic the questions so we can hear them. ??!!
    It’s hard to understand the answer if you don’t know the questions

  6. Let’s go Toronto Maple leafs. Let’s go Toronto maple leafs. Let’s go Toronto maple leafs. Let’s go Toronto maple leafs

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