@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Les Sénateurs d’Ottawa ont-ils un problème d’entraîneur ? : Discussions | Arriver chaud

Les Sénateurs d’Ottawa ont-ils un problème d’entraîneur ? Wally et Yorkie partagent leurs opinions sur le sujet. #nhl #hockey #ottawasenators #ottawa #senators #gosens #gosensgo #ottawasenatorshockey #hockeynews


  1. I would argue last year was the first year they had even a decent roster and they showed a lot of growth as a group. This year they have a good roster I wouldn’t mind seeing this coach get a chance, some of these errors fans complain about we’re caused largely because the players on the ice were trash. Maybe he ends up not being the right fit for this team but they don’t have a coaching issue… yet. All that being said he has to get results or he’ll have to be fired

  2. So tired of this coach being defended, he’s missed the playoffs 5 straight years and the coaches who have been around longer or just as long have won cups and made the playoffs

    Team needs a more experienced coach to take the next step

    Claude Julien, Patrick Roy, or BBQ Bruce cmon down!!

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