@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Préoccupations importantes | À venir en direct – 30 octobre

Alors que les blessures commencent à affecter le D-Core des Sénateurs d’Ottawa (Chabot | Broken Hand & Brannstrom | Commotion cérébrale), Wally, Yorkie et Bobby discutent de la faiblesse désormais flagrante du backend. Les gars examineront également à quoi ressemblera l’alignement des Sénateurs à l’avenir. Le trio donnera également son analyse sur les sujets suivants : Défaite de 3-2 contre les Islanders et victoire impressionnante de 5-2 contre les Penguins. 🚨 Veuillez aimer 👍🏼 et vous abonner ! 🚨 Merci à nos sponsors : 🚨 Betano : https://www.betano.ca 🚨 BEI : https://bonnechereexcavating.com 🚨 BEI Homes : https://www.bonnecherehomes.com 🚨 Doordash : https://www. doordash.com/en-CA ______________________________________________________________________ Regardez Coming In Hot avec Brent Wallace, Jason York et Bobby Ryan 📺 Abonnez-vous sur Youtube : @ComingInHotWithWallaceAndRyan ______________________________________________________________________ 🐦 Suivez sur Twitter et Instagram : @ComingInHotSens @localpodcaster @jasonyork33 @Bobbyry5409 ______________________________________________________________________ #nhl #ottawasenators #hockey #sens #senators #ottawa #bobbyryan #brentwallace #jasonyork #bradytkachuk #vladimirtarasenko #thomaschabot #timstutzle #claudegiroux #shanepinto #antonforsberg #drakebatherson #Mathieujoseph #markkastelic #parkerkelly #zackmacewen #ridlygreig #jakesanderson #artemzub #erikbrannstrom #jakob chychrun #travishamonic


  1. It’s ironic but it looks like Ottawa is going to lose a first round pick because of their bad move in the Dadinov trade.

  2. Turning point of the season Sloppy Chabby traded to LTIR team 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 time to trade Chabot even if Pierre Dorion has 2 swallow 2 million per year

  3. The problem with watching a game at ice level……is you'll never want to go back up to the 3rd bowl ever again lol

  4. All the chatter about eating meat, and yet professional elite athletes all seem to be vegan, or converting to veganism, if not for any other reason than better performance and recovery. Huge trend world wide.

  5. Yorky with all due respect, as an older man please toss that shirt combo in the garbage! Your wife will agree with me. Love the pod guys. Cheers.

  6. The way you get players to agree to wearing neck guards is the same way you got players to agree to wear helmets. As in you dont, you force it on them, and maybe you grandfather in people who voluntarily choose not to wear one. In 15 years, almost no one in the league would be left without a neck guard. It's really as simple as that. If you wanted to get really serious about it, you wouldnt grandfather anyone into not wearing one, and if they refuse to wear them, their contract is void, and you wish them luck in Europe. Bobby would have said the exact same thing if he were around in the pre helmet era about helmets, you got to save these idiots from themselves sometimes. And before anyone tries to say something about personal freedom and freedom of choice, they do have choice. Wear it, or gtfo of here

  7. Hey guys Love the show but Wally…Sens first draft pick was Yashin. Daigle was the following year. Cant wait to hear from Daigle again,

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