@Flames de Calgary

L’Avalanche du Colorado perd un crève-cœur contre les Flames de Calgary en prolongation

L’Avalanche du Colorado perd de façon déchirante contre les Flames de Calgary en prolongation. Deux des meilleures équipes de la LNH se sont affrontées et n’ont pas déçu. Les équipes se sont battues coup pour coup. Le match était dans une telle impasse qu’il n’a pas pu être décidé dans le temps réglementaire. En prolongation, l’Avalanche n’a pas réussi à capitaliser sur son premier tir et les Flames les ont fait payer. Venez vous joindre à Rudo, AJ et Blais pour discuter de la triste défaite en prolongation. INTRO : 0:00 MATCH AMUSANT À REGARDER : 3:24 60 SECONDES RÉPERTOIRE : 3:57 PROLONGATION : 5:55 AVALANCHE SORTIE CHAUDE : 14:20 MAUVAIS JEU DE SAM GIRARD : 17:25 DÉFENSE D’AVALANCHE : 22:26 KUEMPER EST RETRAIT : 24:05 TROISIÈME BUT D’AVALANCHE : 25:43 POSITIF OU NÉGATIF ​​? : 26:44 KURTIS MACDERMID ET LES LIGNES : 27:34 VAL NICHUSHKIN : 33:00 CHANCES MANQUÉES : 33:38 MIKKO RANTANEN : 38:13 AUCUN ÉCHANGE ! : 40h00 SUPER CHATS : 45h45 MATHEW TKACHUK : 55h28 ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://www.youtube.com/c/DNVR_Sports SITE WEB : consultez notre site Web ACHETER DES PRODUITS : http://DNVRLocker.com SUIVRE SUR LES SOCIAUX : Twitter : @DNVR_Sports Instagram : @DNVR_Sports Twitch : @DNVR_Sports Visitez https://dkng.co/DNVR pour vous inscrire à DraftKings Sportsbook en utilisant le code « DNVR » Visitez les dispensaires Lightshade et utilisez le code promotionnel « DNVR » pour 25 % de réduction sur l’ensemble de votre achat Consultez https://www.ranchriderspirits.com/pages/find?utm_source=dnvr&utm_medium=youtube pour acheter du Ranch Rider près de chez vous ! Athletic Greens vous offrira un approvisionnement GRATUIT d’un an en vitamine D qui soutient le système immunitaire ET 5 packs de voyage GRATUITS avec votre premier achat. Visitez simplement https://athleticgreens.com/AVALANCHE Allez sur https://GreenChef.com/dnvravs130 et utilisez le code « DNVRAvs130 » pour obtenir 130 $ de réduction, plus la livraison gratuite Allez sur https://stravacraftcoffee.com/ et utilisez le code promotionnel « DNVR25 » pour bénéficier de 25% de réduction sur votre commande


  1. Looks like the fat guy( AJ) is constantly wearing a Snuggie. Lol. Mix in a treadmill. You’re gonna die at 40.

  2. Losses with this colorado team don't bother me if the other team straight out beats them (such as the boston game) but their are very few games where we actually see that happen. What I'm done with is the constant turnovers and bad puck management caused by horrible low IQ hockey from skillful players on both defense and offense not getting corrected game after game (and yes the sickening part of it is that they win most of those games too). If the other team isn't making the aggregious turnovers when the puck is on their stick then why is colorado with more skillfull players who are supposed to manage the puck better? Its completely between the ears with this team and an inability to just slow the game down for a single second to make sure everyone is on the same page and allow for the right play to develop and be made. I'm sick of hearing Jared bednar talk about it but apparently not be willing to punish or coach it out of his players. And if it's part of his system or coaching that doesn't allow for these sorts of corrections to be made then I don't know that this team can win a cup because other good teams will take advantage of them and beat them eventually (this is 1-0 Calgary series lead right now because of colorado unforced turnovers). When the majority of goals scored against you that lose you hockey games come from our teams own stick it's a problem and a big one. Great win for Calgary and I don't want to take anything away from them. I'm just frustrated with a team not showing any growth with puck management and decision making when the coach has already come out and talked about it for multiple months now. It's not fun to watch a team that doesn't learn or grow from their mistakes from game to game but can still get by most nights on sheer talent, but on the other hand it makes the losses hurt so much more because you know they fall on their own sword for most of their losses.

  3. Pregame these clowns said Flames up by 1 point in the pacific. They are clueless about the pacific and hockey.

  4. These 3 on 3 overtimes are garbage. What is the point to over analyse this hockey abomination.

  5. At least we know kuemper can’t hang with good teams. Say what you want but kuemper got pulled and obviously frankie isn’t the answer either.

    We have glaring holes through the whole roster.

    Avs need better depth on defense and a true number one goaltender and a top 9 forward.

    I know it’s a long stretch but

    JT Miller

    1st rd
    4th rd

  6. Flames don’t have a big focus on overtime 3-7 in overtime on the season. And coaching is why, there is no 3v3 in playoffs there for why bother.

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