@Ducks d'Anaheim

Il a été ÉJECTÉ pour cela

Une série d’appels douteux dans la LNH a frustré de nombreux membres de la ligue. Nous en parlerons et plus encore en examinant le match des Penguins de Pittsburgh contre les Ducks d’Anaheim et des Rangers de New York contre les Jets de Winnipeg. Tout cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. Blueshirts are looking pretty after that 5 game road trip sweep. They needed much better 5on5 blueline discipline but they seem to be coalescing well, the easy start to the schedule has given them time to do so.
    keep doing you man and LGR!!!!!

  2. My biggest problem is the ref consistency on calls like goalie interference and kick ins. They need to choose to either be as strict as this call or lenient as possible. We have seen players collide with goaltenders and the goal count. I just dont get it

  3. #request Do you take requests? A few nights ago NYR@EDM, 3rd period (6:30 remaining) Rangers, Will Cuylle appeared to have a puck deflect off his skate into net. Ruled good on ice, Toronto’s situation room called it off with “kicking motion” 😳. Last night Chi@Arz, 2nd period (4:45 remaining) Arizona, O’Brien appears to have a kicking motion, ruled no goal on ice, but Toronto’s situation room calls it a good goal 🤔. Pls review and tell me whats a “kicking motion”…. I’m clueless, I guess 🤯 Thanks ✌️

  4. So the nhl is cracking down on coaches and players yelling at the refs how bout this nhl crack down on your refs being better at there jobs so there's no need to yell at them for being wrong and bad at there jobs because those calls were horrible that trip was a guess call the ref saw the player go down and the stick out kinda close by so he guessed it must have been a trip how about no more guessing nhl officials if you don't 100000percent actually see it don't call it and GUESS what you didn't 100000 percent see a trip there because there wasn't a trip you guessed and got it wrong embarrassing officiating on the goalie interference one the offensive player had better position on the d man the d man tried getter better position and went into his own goalie a little bit all on his own he wasn't pushed by the offensive player therefore no goalie interference occurred if the offensive player would have pushed the dman into the goalie then yes goalie interference but that's not what happened it seems like in both cases the hockey gods came through and the two horrible calls didn't make there team lose but the teams that got screwed actually won so thank you hockey gods and the trip can't get reviewed but the goalie interference was reviewed and still allowed to be called goalie interference that's even worse when you get a chance to correct your mistake and still get it wrong shame on you nhl

  5. And McAvoy was ejected for a pretty good reason as a bruins fan, wouldn’t be suprised if he’s gone for a while

  6. I can see how they deemed it goalie interference in the ducks, it its not enough to be justifiable. The argument would be that the Anaheim player is “pushing” the penguins player into his own goalie thus impeding his ability to move or make a stop. Which there was no attempt to move or anything.

  7. Copy pasting another user's comment about the first:

    Can’t be in the crease before the puck enters the crease, thats the goalies ice, he was definitely prevented from moving to the top of the crease where he would like to be to make that save, Anaheim player entered the crease on his own, therefore goalie interference, i don’t understand why ppl even question this

    So yea, first call was correct. People just don't know the rules.

  8. you definitely got the goalie interference bit wrong. That's a good call. The duck not only planted in the crease but was pushing the defensemen into the goalie.

  9. At the rangers game, think about it from the refs position. You don’t have slomo, you are looking at it up and from the side. His stick goes in, at stick level, and the guy falls. That’s a hard call to make.

  10. this isnt just an NHL ref issue its a worldwide sports issue,

    Ref's need more training and the reviews should be dont be a neutral person in the box NOT those on ice, reason i say that is some Refs wont change there mind no matter what as they refuse to admit they where wrong the first time around

  11. I'm a huge pens fan and saw absolutely nothing there. Pittsburgh started out like they deserved to win but as soon as they had the 5 on 3 and neither Malkin or Karlsson wanted to shoot, I knew they were gonna lose. I hope to god that passing back and fourth like 8 times haunts them. They need to smarten up. God this is such a pitiful start to the season…

  12. There were a couple really bad calls in the Boston Florida game last night against Boston. Kinda similar to these

  13. I get there was no contact. But, what does the blue paint even mean anymore? I remember in the late 90's when the blue paint was the call. If you are in there when a goal goes in, contact or not, it's a no-goal. Ask Tomas Holmstrom…..at least it was a more black and white call in that sense.

  14. It's crazy how consistently awful the reffing has been this season. Across the whole league. Also ton of very soft/ghost calls. Hope they figure it out.

  15. That ref and the video review booth need to be reprimanded by the league for sure: You don’t want people going off on refs? The refs should do a better job. Honestly feels like the ref had bets on the game.

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