@Sabres de Buffalo

[Buffalo Sabres] Selon le directeur général Kevyn Adams, Zach Benson souffre chaque semaine d’une blessure au bas du corps.

[Buffalo Sabres] Selon le directeur général Kevyn Adams, Zach Benson souffre chaque semaine d’une blessure au bas du corps.



  1. PrinciplesRK

    This would explain why he’s looked off. I am curious to see how this all plays out. They could give him a conditioning stint in Rochester after this is over I believe and it would also take him close to the world juniors.

    I wonder if the Sabres are hesitant to send him and Savoie back to juniors with all the drama / changes surrounding Wenatchee

  2. ShylocksEstrangedDog

    Welp. Looks like he’s getting the Wright Plan. Time off, conditioning stint in the AHL, World Juniors, and then maybe another shot to finish his 9 games later on.

  3. Fradulent_Zodiac

    Manipulating that 9 game window – good to see we are doing what is necessary to game the system

  4. Spiritual_Bourbon

    Well shit. That’s worse than I thought. Thought with missing a game here and there it was something less. Week to week isn’t great.

  5. xBialyOrzel

    I wouldn’t be upset if after Savoies conditioning stint they pulled him up for 9 games and then sent him back to Wenatchee with Benson when he’s ready. It gives a little more time for Kulich and Rosén to sizzle in Roch and when those two are sent back to Wenatchee call one of those guys up if Quinn isn’t back by then.

  6. Responsible-Fox-9082

    Just saying everyone thinks this is to abuse his 9 games, but in all reality aside from getting manhandled a bit he literally looks like he should be here. I don’t think the primary plan was burn the 9 games to do the conditioning stint to WJC. He earned his slot and I don’t think he plans on leaving it easily.

    Though I guess like Mitts he could use like 10-15 more.pounds and will just torment everyone.

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