@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Faits saillants de la LNH | JEU 5OT | 1er tour, match 1 : Blue Jackets contre Lightning – 11 août 2020

Le but de Brayden Point en cinquième période de prolongation a permis au Lightning de l’emporter 3-2 sur les Blue Jackets pour une avance âprement disputée de 1-0 dans la série. #LNH #Faits saillants


  1. Korpisalo was rock solid so was the defense but that offense couldn’t produce worth a shiz

  2. So you're telling me that nothing happened in the first 16 minutes of 2nd OT and only 1 thing happened the other overtimes? Seriously sportsnet show the actual highlights. Korpisalo made 85 saves and you didn't even show the record breaking save.

  3. Dude I watched the whole thing and not that i went to the pool for an hour and when i got back it was still going so when Brayden scored I sCREAMDED SO LOUD

  4. A reddit post did the math and said that roughly 1900 inches of playoff beard were grown by players and staff alone this game

  5. As a Tampa Bay Lightning fan this is easily top three games I've ever seen in my life. I had to change my t-shirt a few times just from sweating of nervousness! ⚡⚡⚡ All worth it winning the cup baby!!!!

  6. I remember getting out of work as soon as it went to OT and i raced home to catch it before someone scored… i could have drove the wrong way for an hour and still managed to watch almost a full hockey game😂😂😂

  7. Normie Smith still holds the unofficial record of 92 shots faced, all saves in 1936, a sextuple overtime game.

  8. I will forever keep saying it: In 2020 the Tampa Bay Lightning were nothing but PAPER champions. You can't end a season with 10 games left and start a playoffs 5 months later. Not to mention "Tampa being the home team is b.s cuz every game was played in either Edmonton or Toronto. AND with no crowd
    There is a reason they call it "Home Ice Advantage"

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