@Flames de Calgary

Toutes les négociations contractuelles sont maintenant suspendues pour une organisation des Flames qui pourrait être sur le point de devoir adopter une nouvelle approche radicale.

Toutes les négociations contractuelles sont maintenant suspendues pour une organisation des Flames qui pourrait être sur le point de devoir adopter une nouvelle approche radicale.



  1. Iphone4Lyfe

    Is radical the new “R” word and are we allowed to say it?

  2. Slimmynorthfish

    “A radical new approach”

    They really aren’t allowed to say rebuild are they 😂😂😂

  3. robochobo

    Lol still trying to half ass team building by retooling. This franchise will never learn. The Flames aren’t Boston, there is no franchise player on this team. You don’t get those players by retooling. Plus I wouldn’t trust the current pro scouting department to make any decisions about established NHL players. Their recent track record is similar to the Flames, mediocre

  4. >Not a tear-it-down rebuild as most are clamouring for, but a significant re-tooling that would almost certainly involve trading the aforementioned Flames pillars.

    What in the fuck would you trade Lindy and Hanifin for other than rebuilding? Are we getting Matthews back? They may not be the solution, but neither are they the problem. Thinking we can feasibly replace them with something better to retool around 10 and 91 is asinine.

  5. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    Watch them rebuild and the entire time just avoid the word rebuild. “Radical new approach” “team realignment” “restart team identity” etc

  6. Unlikely_Rip2221

    Unless they’re above 500 or fighting for a playoff spot by the end of November I say just tear it down and do a full rebuild.

    I was really on the side of letting it play out and try and make the playoffs. But if this trend continues I don’t see the point.

  7. gamblewizard98

    If “significant re-tooling” actually means hockey trade in vain attempt to be competitive I will find a new team to follow.

    I swear to god if we trade lindholm for like Dylan strome and a 2nd I’m done. Just get firsts and blue chip prospects – it’s not rocket science. stop trying to delay the inevitable rebuild.

  8. yeastneast

    “Radical new approach” and “significant re-tooling” are just dogwhistles for rebuilding.

  9. Chemical_Signal2753

    « Radical new approach » could mean something different from a rebuild. While I would be 100% against it, they could look to bundle Lindholm or Hanifin with a first round pick to get aging veterans who are playing well.

  10. weschester

    Like it or not the Calgary Flames will never rebuild as long as Murray Edwards is owner. We should all be doing whatever we can to force him to sell, whatever that may be. And since we’re handing him a billion dollars for a new arena there is absolutely no motivation whatsoever for him to change direction.

  11. undeletable-2


  12. -Disagreeable-

    I would be so excited to watch a team who are a path to excellence totally suck than a team that supposed to be excellent just suck.

  13. Confused_Astronaut

    YESSS! LET’S GO!!!

    Sad that I’m so excited for this but I’m just happy the FO sees how much of a dead end this team is. At least we now know that they’re on the same page as us.

    Yes, we will suck for a while. But at least there’s now a small light at the end of the tunnel instead of treading water in a dark abyss. Plus, we’ll get to watch all of the young players. There will be growing pains and we won’t win much, but at least we’ll see some passion and energy on the ice.

  14. Scissors4215

    Slap another bandaid on the team. We’re retooling again

  15. UsedToHaveThisName

    If they want to go with a radical new approach, I am available. I can’t really stop on skates but I could give it the old college try. I’m not very good at hockey, so it will make EVERYONE look phenomenal at it.

  16. harperofthefreenorth

    I wonder if the reason Conroy didn’t do much in the offseason was that Murray kept refusing to actually blow it up until the team literally blew up in his face.

  17. KrolWorld

    Ahhh thats why theyre calling up Zary, say goodbye to Zary and hello to Duclair or some other old shit stain that dumb ass fans ask for.

  18. Individual_Potato629

    Thank god. I was worried they would keep trying to extend our pending ufas. We are shit right now but it’s still early and there is a chance we could turn it around… or at minimum set us up for success in the future. But something needs a change now not later ffs

    Could you imagine if we were able to dump Kadri or Huby? I know wishful thinking but I would die from happiness lol.

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