@Kings de Los Angeles

Les fans de Toronto huent alors que Los Angeles a 2 minutes de fuseau horaire

Saison 2023 – 2024 Kings de Los Angeles contre Maple Leafs de Toronto 31/10/2023 Ceci est ma deuxième chaîne qui se concentrera uniquement sur le contenu de la LNH. Ma chaîne principale est ici. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9r-o0geG0gHvboKrSxdfw


  1. Embarrassing. I can never understand, even in the regular season, the Leafs have such real stinkers considering the caliber of their team. It's just like they have an off button and it just turns off every 3 or 4 games. There's no reason to see such lackluster performances like this.

  2. Keefe first of all and Klinberg gotta go, Klinberg terrible on defence and so far on offence also

  3. Ryan Reaves is the answer give him 25 minutes of ice time a game. He is on course for a -82 no fight wins and zero points season.😆😆😆😆😆

  4. What the heck is Domi doing trying to start a fight for no reason. Concentrate on putting the Puck in the Net instead of instigating a fight. Bloody Gong Show. Not good hockey to watch,I would rather watch The World Jrs. than the N.H.L Garbage.

  5. They deserve it. They give Matthew’s 14 smilly can’t afford players they need and the best thing he’s a playoff choker. You’d have been better to trade him for some good players and draft picks and signed Nylander. Your only playoff proformer

  6. Very well played by LA. Sometimes sequences like this will happen in a game and and Toronto fans should understand that and support their team instead of booing. Toronto is a difficult market to play in… 🙄

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