@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les Sénateurs perdent leur choix de 1re ronde en raison d’une erreur commerciale de Dadonov




  1. HairlessDaddy

    Auto fire GM for this? Yikes.

    In retrospect it becomes even more insane by the day the Blackhawks didn’t lose at least their first round pick for their disgusting organizational conduct.

  2. gentleman_bronco

    Apparently protecting a sexual predator rewards you with a generational talent and misunderstanding a clause will cost you a first round pick.

  3. This is absurd….. I’m on board with the punishment, but the fact it came this many years late AND the fact the league has punished other teams far less for worse things (looking at you Hawks).

  4. Arecksion

    So what was the new info that came to light to make them go back 2 years?

  5. imaybeacatIRl

    Dafuq? … but Chicago gets Bedard for their « blunder »?

  6. Particular_Tutor_46

    I completely agree with this decision. It restricts what Vegas was able to do with the player. It’s possible they wouldn’t have taken on his contract in the first place, if they had known about his no trade clause. All the Sens had to do was be honest. If they aren’t punished other teams will cheat too.

  7. I don’t know, I can see why they are blaming the Sens here, but why not just call the player’s agent and ask about the list?

    « They said x about your M-NTC »

    « What? No its actually y »

    « oh »

  8. pforsbergfan9

    Somehow, Florida gets punished for the sexual assault more than Chicago did.

  9. FLA-Hoosier

    Florida sleeper agent Dadonov doing his part to cripple a division rival.

  10. Electronic_Nail

    If this is the punishment for a trade blunder than the Blackhawks should’ve been prevented from picking the first round for five years

  11. Am I dumb why would this even be on Ottawa shouldn’t Vegas have to ask for his no trade list?

  12. Dis-Ducks-Fan-1130

    Can’t wait until the 4 players for the Team Canada issue get revealed. Wonder what they will get and from what I hear, there is atleast 1 current NHL player in that group.

  13. Sens lose a first for not disclosing the no trade eams list on a trade, and Chicago gets to keep their first for the sexual abuse scandal..

    But yet we suspened someone for betting with the countless betting ads/apps

  14. ElectionAnnual

    That’s fuckin so dumb. You’re telling me a multimillion dollar professional organization with tons of lawyers, I’m guessing, doesn’t review a players contract in the span of ~8 months??? If anything, Vegas should be punished for not knowing the terms of the players on their roster. Even if Ottawa straight up lied, absolving Vegas is asinine to me.

    Fuck the Sens, but this is ridiculous

  15. fdisfragameosoldiers

    Man with this and the excessive Pinto suspension I’d say Garry has it in for the new owners in Ottawa. Guess he wanted Ryan Reynolds to get the team.

  16. Ordinary-Easy

    They should have just made it so that the sen’s pick drops down to 32 instead because this is just salt in the wound for Sen’s fans already.

  17. WaffleStone

    so does vegas get the pick or is 1 less player getting drafted in the first round

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