@Capitals de Washington

Rien ne surpasse ce moment pour que mon joueur préféré porte chacun un pull Caps. Guérissez-vous bientôt, Backstrom !

Rien ne surpasse ce moment pour que mon joueur préféré porte chacun un pull Caps. Guérissez-vous bientôt, Backstrom !



  1. UnderCoverDoughnuts

    Fuck me, man. I knew this was going to happen, I even thought « man, if Backy retired, we’d be in a different place ». But now it’s here and I’m not ready for it.

    We love you so much, Backy. ❤️

  2. Calm-Associate-214

    Backy is my favorite capital of all time. I knew this day would come but I am still sad. It was too soon! Such a great talent.

  3. MCFCOK81

    Fuck… here come the tears… I was hoping this would be years from now.

  4. SVTour07

    Pens fan coming in peace: Always respected (and of course, somewhat hated) this guy. Wish him nothing but the best in his physical recovery. No matter his decision, he’s got to look at what is hopefully a healthy life after hockey. And at no point can he look back and say he didn’t make it…his names on that Cup and all.

  5. longtrainrollin

    My favorite Caps moment of all time. When Ovi started yelling for Backy to come get the cup is when the tears started for me.

    You’ve been my favorite player of all time Backy, godspeed.

    😭 ♥️ 🇸🇪 🐐 🛸 🍎 🏆

    👏 🫵 🙏


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