@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Les Sénateurs d’Ottawa dépouillés de leur choix de première ronde et le directeur général Pierre Dorion renvoyé ! | Analyse instantanée

Steve Dangle récapitule et analyse la pénalité infligée aux Sénateurs d’Ottawa en réponse à leur rôle dans le fiasco commercial d’Evgenii Dadonov. L’équipe a été pénalisée par un choix de première ronde et a par la suite décidé de se séparer du directeur général Pierre Dorion. Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour l’avenir à Ottawa ? Pour les demandes générales, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. On the one hand, I love it because I hate the Sens, on the other hand it's probably too harsh.

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong: Ottawa loses a 1st round pick for trading a player and not disclosing his contract details but Chicago is allowed to Get there 1st pick even though they covered up sexual assault.
    yeah the league has is together.

  3. The “this wasn’t Vegas’s Fault” doesn’t sit right with me. They are their own team and they are also know to screw their players. This is their fault, but they aren’t being punished because they’re one of Bettman’s teams.

  4. Still on Vegas they didn’t bother to call an agent to know about a trade clause. 1 call to the agent/player clears that up Vegas’ disregard for their players is 100% part of the screwup

  5. The fact that this needed enough back story to make me literally think: What? Really? That? Now?, makes me applaud the NHL for redefining the phrase "revenge is a dish best served cold".

  6. The Dadonov trade is a really goofy mistake. I'm unsure whether the Sens were trying to slide this trade through thinking the League will miss it, or is it just a stupid blunder… it's probably the latter…

  7. I’m not a Sens fan so I don’t feel like I can comment on Dorion or the draft pick, but as a Vegas fan it was nice that they were vindicated a bit here. Our GM is known for the hard deals, we acknowledge that. But the underhandedness that came out of this trade that didn’t happen, that’s not right. It’s good that the truth came out and that Vegas is now understood as not the team who tried to screw over this player. That’s the benefit of this for me personally. Not trying to offend Sens fans or anything like that. Just my opinion

  8. I could be wrong, but wouldn’t it make sense for Vegas to get the first round pick? With their pick being forfeited, doesn’t it mean that there will be one less person drafted in whatever year it is? Kinda taking away potential of a player making a career with hockey?

  9. Meh, much like any sensible Leafs fan, I hate the Sens more than any other team and would usually enjoy seeing them lose, but Vegas saying this is all on Ottawa is absolutely absurd, whether Ottawa provided the no trade list or not, this is information that any fan could actually literally look up on Puckpedia… The fact that they, a professional hockey organization who literally does this stuff for a living, didn't have information on their own player that anyone with a device that can access the internet could've found out is absolutely the definition of negligent, just plain stupid ignorance. Blaming others for their incompetence is straight up embarrassing.

  10. Sens: lose a 1st round pick because they didn't disclose all the details of the transaction
    NHL: Doesn't disclose all the details of the transaction when the team was for sale…

    Seems a bit ironic doesn't it, gary?

  11. If I was a Sens fan or anyone involved in the orginization, I would be absolutely livid, could completely destroy their future

  12. What's gonna be the punishment to the NHL not disclosing all the information about the Pinto investigation and Dadonov investigation during the sale process? Sure sounds like not disclosing information about a transacation deserves to be punished harshly according to the NHL…

  13. I think it's total bullshit. The entire sequence of events just don't make any sense to me, and the punishment is absurd when you consider what the NHL leveled against Chicago for something far, far worse.

  14. Agree with everything except the argument that Dadonov going to Anaheim makes them a better team. Pretty sure he was one of the few that actually played well during the stretch for that year. Regardless Vegas has a hell of a grievance.

  15. Dear Mr. Bettman,

    For the corruption you've brought to our dear national sport, which you've prettt much sold to the US and void of its integrity, I wish you to crap your pants, wake up with the flu, get into your car to realize you've let the lights on and the battery's dead, get your credit card cloned and have overall a very bad day.


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