@Panthers de la Floride

Votre résumé hebdomadaire des /r/floridapanthers pour la semaine du 25 au 31 octobre

**Mercredi 25 octobre – mardi 31 octobre** ###Top vidéos | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 71 | [5 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17j8hfu/panthers_win_squid_for_dinner/) | [PANTHERS WIN SQUID FOR DINNER 🐙 ](https://v.redd.it/4qlanng8k6xb1)| | 24 | [9 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17kkfxs/are_the_bruins_and_panthers_becomingrivals/) | [Are the Bruins and Panthers becoming…rivals?](https://youtu.be/dhr1E7miOmE?si=LO5YBOPMP9suJbSt)| | 17 | [7 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17k9ylo/maybe_its_sam_bennett/) | [Maybe it’s Sam Bennett?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUC2qcYpo7Q)|   ###Messages restants | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 61 | [16 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17j54ch/jameson_olive_montour_and_ekblad_both_at_practice/) | [[Jameson Olive] Montour and Ekblad both at practice in regular jerseys.](https://x.com/jamesoncoop/status/1718645688043548722?s=46&t=lZSfznM4LxyV-yVsD4PQyQ)| | 55 | [8 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17ifntr/george_richards_good_news_for_the_flapanthers/) | [[George Richards] Good news for the #FlaPanthers: Aaron Ekblad and Brandon Montour are planning to join practice tomorrow in non-contacts. Window of return now sounds like Thanksgiving.](https://x.com/GeorgeRichards/status/1718274625400959307?s=20)| | 55 | [1 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17jjb6w/getting_ready_for_halloween/) | [Getting Ready for Halloween](https://i.redd.it/qw9m6zh349xb1.jpg)| | 53 | [39 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17k28ft/jim_montgomery_on_tonights_rematch_against_the/) | [Jim Montgomery on tonight’s rematch against the Panthers: « It’s not 1 of 82. No. They ended our season. They went all the way to the Finals. Our summers were miserable until the Finals were over. And that’s because they beat us. So yeah, this means more. »](https://twitter.com/conorryan_93/status/1719024069494894813?s=46&t=tseS4IrUQ6toLUqtLphnxQ)| | 48 | [10 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17h6wju/barkov_rr/) | Barkov RR| | 42 | [2 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17jvm0v/missed_the_last_one_as_im_moving_dens_but/) | [Missed the last one as I’m moving dens, but gentlerats it is my deepest pleasure to inform you, there’s a Florida panthers game on tonight](https://i.redd.it/wmap9e4rvcxb1.jpg)| | 37 | [2 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17k699y/a_repost_of_jason_purrhees_victory_screech_after/) | [A repost of Jason Purrhees victory screech after knocking boston out last year seemed fitting. VAMOS GATOS](https://i.redd.it/obueictq6fxb1.png)| | 36 | [5 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17jarx5/going_through_old_panther_memorabilia_today/) | [Going through old Panther memorabilia today](https://i.redd.it/577y6e0y27xb1.jpg)| | 35 | [11 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17j78xk/happy_birthday_to_former_panthers_color/) | [Happy birthday to former Panthers color commentator and 4x Stanley Cup champ, Denis Potvin!](https://i.redd.it/3kd60la3a6xb1.png)| | 34 | [0 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/17jyi14/wake_up_cats_ecqf_rematch_tonight_at_td_garden/) | [Wake Up, Cats! ECQF Rematch tonight at TD Garden!](https://i.redd.it/cpt5roqhidxb1.jpg)|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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