@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[ fox] Sheldon Keefe à propos de sa conversation avec l’arbitre Wes McCauley à propos de ce jeu : « Il n’a tout simplement pas vu le bâton passer entre ses jambes et l’ouvrir pour le faire entrer les pieds en premier dans les bandes dans la zone la plus dangereuse de la glace. . Il ne l’a pas vu.

[ fox] Sheldon Keefe à propos de sa conversation avec l’arbitre Wes McCauley à propos de ce jeu : « Il n’a tout simplement pas vu le bâton passer entre ses jambes et l’ouvrir pour le faire entrer les pieds en premier dans les bandes dans la zone la plus dangereuse de la glace. . Il ne l’a pas vu.



  1. Camarama421

    But he makes funny calls so it’s all good, don’t worry guys

  2. GroundbreakingLimit1

    So maybe, he could like, review it?

  3. Affectionate_Rent921

    Lol Wes is such a dork. Couldnt make it as a pro, still found a way to make games all about him. Only cares about his image, doesn’t call the rules at all

  4. LunarEggplantAquatic

    Let’s all boycott watching when he’s reffing.

  5. He was right there. Like 3 feet from the action. If he can’t see that, what can he see? Is he capable of doing his job?

  6. CasualtyEH

    Love Keefe saying this. If you aren’t able to see that play you aren’t doing your job. There is zero reason for both officials to not see that play. It’s where the puck is, its a KNOWN dirty/dangerous area, and there are two players racing towards it.
    McCauley fucking saw the entire thing and just decided he didn’t want to call a penalty on Marchand. If you are looking at the play its impossible to miss the corkscrew.

  7. VolumeNo5217

    As happy as I am that Keefe called out how brutal the non call was… it confirms he knew damn well how dangerous and dirty of a play it was by Marchand, which makes the decision to have no response to it even worse.

    There was absolutely no reason to not have Reeves on the ice to go after Marchand to at the very least send the message that nobody makes fucks around with our team without paying a price.

  8. maybelying

    To be fair, he also missed the loose puck when Sammy was down and blew the whistle, thinking he was covering it, and likely saving us from a Boston goal on an open net.

    At least his incompetence has no bias.

  9. LivingLifeSomewhere

    Get up off your knees sheldon dont come back

  10. mrcrazy_monkey

    Wasn’t the puck there too? What is he looking at?

  11. A_Dehydrated_Walrus

    It’s was McCauley’s brother that Keefe testified against, right?

  12. howsshegoin

    an unfortunate play but I like keefe remaining level headed about it. they can’t all go your way.

  13. SpergSkipper

    Wes should just say I hate the leafs it would be less insulting

  14. emptybowloffood

    McCauley is either incompetent or corrupt. You would have to be blind not to see that.

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