
Le logo des Canucks Diwali de cette année, conçu par l’artiste Jessie Sohpaul

Le logo des Canucks Diwali de cette année, conçu par l’artiste Jessie Sohpaul



  1. Absolute incredible work, hot damn. The logo absolutely slaps, and it looks gorgeous on the jersey.

    I’d love to see them in warmups.

  2. Silent_Leg1976

    That looks phenomenal. Love that on a nice teal toque.

  3. UniverseHufflePuff

    These should be worn in game! Really cool design

  4. bplsilva

    that’s a hell of a great logo.

    once again NHL, it’s a pity they won’t wear such a jersey on ice

  5. TheAnimal89

    It’s just not as cool now that players don’t get to wear these, can’t believe 7 dudes really wrecked it for everyone

  6. shurpaderp

    I wish the NHL would allow teams to wear different jersey variations like the NBA.

  7. treple13

    Looks great. With the sizable Indian population here I hope we do one of these as well

  8. Murphster94

    Vancouver always hits specialty jerseys out of the park, well done again!

  9. CatsInSpaceSwag

    Vancouver always knocks the speciality jerseys out of the park. Unreal!

  10. vquandary

    These muhfuckin Canucks Diwali jersey artists don’t miss. In the heat of battle they don’t miss. Nah. In the heat of controversy they don’t miss.

  11. Vancouver always nail the Diwali and Chinese/Lunar New Year speciality jerseys. My wallet will never be able to purchase one though!

  12. Kayavak_32

    The Canucks have top tier special jerseys, but Diwali and Lunar New Year are always my favorites. I’m jealous, the Wild never does anything interesting.

  13. bforce1313

    Would loook suuuuper sick on a on ice jersey. Such a bummer.

  14. Elite182

    As a South Asian, I love it in every way.

    As a Flames fan, I will still definitely never wear it lol.

  15. PWNtimeJamboree

    love the colors, but im also biased

  16. Polymemnetic

    I’m not even a Canucks fan, and I kind of want one

  17. Ravenclaw79

    Why do the West Coast teams get so many cool jerseys? 😭

  18. pheron1123

    the quote on the last slide, about diwali being for everyone, really got me. im neither indian nor hindu, but a high school friend and his parents took me to their temple for diwali 2 or 3 times. such a beautiful, happy holiday. i remember tasty snacks, lots of lights, and happy kids sucking on sugar cane and hanging out with elephants.

    dammit canucks, you got me having feels and stuff. well done.

  19. CanIHaveAppleJuice

    Freaking awesome.
    Wish the Rangers would do things like this.

  20. TylerMyersNeck

    Whale team good, guys. Whale team good.

  21. surlystraggler

    I’ve said it here before, Canucks have the best special event jerseys. Way ahead of everyone else.

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