@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Brady Tkachuk, Tim Stützle, Mathieu Joseph et DJ Smith Disponibilité d’après-match contre TBL

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith et les attaquants Brady Tkachuk, Tim Stützle et Mathieu Joseph après le match de ce soir contre le Lightning de Tampa Bay au Centre Canadian Tire. 0:00 DJ Smith 2:50 Brady Tkachuk 5:24 Tim Stützle 7:24 Mathieu Joseph


  1. The constant booing?

    We’ve been nothing supportive through bullshit for 7 years. I know he just meant booing tonight, and it’s probably best he lets out his true feelings. But as a die hard fan, that one stings from Brady

  2. We’re going to hear the same thing, I just wonder when the resaults will come. But I need to understand it’s life

  3. "the constant booing…i understand they are a passionate fansbase"
    Is the softest take ive heard in a while. We dont need our captain folding at this little amount of pressure. Show that anger towards your team mates. Not the fans. There is 6 plus years of context hes not paying attention to.

    Alfie take this man out for dinner again please

  4. Absolute stinker from tim again. If i hear 'bad bounces' again. im going to lose my mind.

  5. Good teams create bounces come on guys the team needs to go to the harder zones of the uce netfront especially and battle much harder on both ends of the ice some guys do but a lot arent and its a major issue

  6. A lot of talk about bounces not going their way, but what if the team relied on skill instead of luck to put the puck in the net? Do you think Vegas or Colorado require luck to win their games? They use skill.

  7. This is worse then the definition of insanity! Look it up if you don’t know it! When I think of Ottawa senators, I hear two trash cans hitting each other! Between them & the red blacks, sometimes I don’t even wanna tell people i live in Ottawa when sports is the subject! Embarrassing to say the least, shame on the commentators on tsn1200 & every other media employee for Ottawa for making up every excuse for the past 6-7 years!! You can fire who ever you want, it won’t work! This team is just not good together, terrible combination/lack of chemistry all the way down from the staff!! I feel sorry for the new owner 😂950$million for a over-rated 67s team!!!! I Guarantee atleast 1-2 10 game losing streaks! Remember I said it!! Tone

  8. You’re doing your best? Your best is last in the division after six years of being 3rd last in the league and giving 8 year contracts to half of your core? What the fuck man? If that’s your best, I want a refund.

  9. This team shows zero accountability. Fans are allowed to boo. Tired of seeing the same shit for 8 years. Take accountability ffs

  10. A message for Brady: booing you isnt turning our back on you. Booing you means we care. If we didnt care, we wouldnt show up at all, so you wouldnt get booed, but you also wouldnt get cheered on when you score. If the fans had turned their backs on you, would they have cheered the announcement for your 2nd goal AFTER Tampa scored another one within seconds? No, they wouldnt have, but we did cheer. We didn't turn our backs on you, we just expected better from you as a group, regardless of the adversity you're facing. I believe in this group. The fans dont get to be on the ice with you. You want us to cheer, you got to give us something to cheer about. We cheered the goals when they happened, and we would have cheered if you had won, even with all the breakdowns, but that effort was frankly sloppy and inconsistent and you were chasing the game for nearly 40 minutes. It's not all on the players, either, some of it is deployment. I love hammer, I'm glad hes here, but hes not at a point in his career where he can play 15-20 minutes per night, much less 20+. Add on top of that the bottom pair not even getting 10 minutes of ice time, leaning too hard on your top 4. Doesnt help the forwards out much either that when macewan is in the lineup, you basically have to play 11 and 6 because I dont think he cracked 5 minutes of ice time. You were put into a position where you only had 15 skaters the coaches wanted to play, that's not on the players. Last thing I'll say, is I understand for you as a player its frustrating, for us as fans, it's even more frustrating, because we arent getting millions of dollars from this team, but we are spending hundreds or thousands of dollars to experience the same results from our seats. You're allowed to be mad, but dont be mad at us, we show up wether you win or lose. Theres videos out there of you proclaiming your going to win a cup for Ottawa, Brady, prove you want it.

  11. Just win the next game. Then win the game after that. Then focus on the one after that. Don’t worry about the questions or the booing. You get paid millions to win hockey games. Just do that.
    You have our support forever. We can’t help it.

  12. All this Negative BS is a crock of shit, the amount of adversity that the guys are going threw right now is insane, and they continue to push and keep up with these teams, it’s hockey. All these people in the comment hating will be the same people cheering when they start winning.

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