@Capitals de Washington

Je suis actuellement 2-0-0

Charlie a joué de manière incroyable ! La défense a jeté ses corps en bloquant les tirs. Super jeu partout !



  1. UnderCoverDoughnuts

    Please go to the game against the Blackhawks in March, because I will also be there and I would love to see the boys win

  2. GrandAdmiralDoosh

    I’m 1-1-0 lifetime, both vs Rangers cause Daddio grew up in NY & it’s fun to go together w/ the parents (plus built-in DD!).

  3. DanHelll

    I’m like 1-8-0.

    When the Caps and Rangers played in the playoffs I went to games and they always lost the ones I went to. I’ve been to a few Caps Panthers games since I moved down here and haven’t seen them win yet. I saw Ovi’s 700th goal in NJ! They lost that game…

    The only time I’ve seen them win was the first game I went to in DC… Now that I think about when I see them in white sweaters they lose… 2ho knows I’ve got tickets to both Caps Panthers games in February maybe my luck will turn around!

  4. mark_dink

    Can we start a ticket fundraiser for this guy? Lmao

    And can you please come to the rangers game in January?

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