@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Kent Johnson suite à son envoi au CLE.



  1. Fabresque_

    Good to hear and his actions speak as well. 2 games in CLE, 3 points. He’s responding and that’s awesome. When he’s ready to come back, send Kuraly to Antarctica.

  2. JunesDepartmentStore

    But wait a minute… r/hockey and hockey Twitter told me without a doubt he was as good as gone and requesting a trade! /s

  3. Seattlekrakenlegend

    The video where he’s saying this you can hear all the guys in the background laughing and having fun too. Looks like a great place to be right now for him.

  4. redditistreason

    That’s a good thing to hear, and serves to emphasize how ludicrous the dramatics were.

    He had a terrible, costly turnover tonight. Guy behind me says, « That’s why you’re in the AHL, Kent Johnson. » No doubt he NEEDS to be here and he knows why he’s here. With the way the both the senior and junion teams are set up right now, this should be a great experience for him.

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