@Devils du New Jersey

Je n’ai jamais vu un enfant faire quelque chose comme ça

Jack Hughes a récolté 17 points en seulement 6 matchs avec les Devils du New Jersey et cette vidéo parle davantage de certaines des passes décisives qu’il a obtenues contre les Canadiens de Montréal. #hockey #nhl #jackhughes


  1. Its the confidence level thats grown so much in his game. hes a smaller player.. but makes space for himself and time for teamates to get to open ice . happy for him! and the devils.

  2. im a rangers fan but hooooooly shit he is the most exciting player to watch in the nhl

  3. It’s crazy how good he is, especially considering how he was almost getting called a bust after his first year.

  4. Even when he is hustling he still looks calm. I am guessing that having a younger brother on the squad is also comforting. That assist to TT was a poor breakout though. He went to the right spot, but also got a little lucky to intercept a really poor breakout. Trust me….. I know what a poor breakout looks like because I play a lot of adult hockey 😉

  5. I'm a Devil fan so i've seen him evolve and now i feel like what it must be like to have Wayne, Mario, or McD on your team. Every time i played against those guys in their prime it felt like just having that guy on the ice guaranteed their team at least a goal and probably 2 or even more. It feels like a guarantee at this point that Hughes will do something to create a goal. It's amazing to be a part of.

  6. Where are all the Finnish fanboys that said Kakko was better!?!?!?!?!

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