@Devils du New Jersey

Imaginez si nous avions un gardien de but moyen dans la ligue

Imaginez si nous avions un gardien de but moyen dans la ligue



  1. I’m a hockey noob, is this more on the defense or these 2? Seems like opposing teams seem to be getting, what look like to me, very easy scoring chances compared to last season

  2. LaHondaSkyline

    The formula that will get Vanacek and Schmid to play at a league average level is exactly what the Devils did last year…be really good at suppressing the number and quality of opponent shots.

  3. Zestyclose_Estate248

    I feel like it will come down when defense tightens up

  4. Sauronsindexfinger

    The only thing this team needs is a stable dependable goalie that won’t let in garbage goals come playoff time.

  5. LimpBiscuitsandTea

    So on Vitek nights, Jack, Bratter, and Toffoli score 4 goals. On Akira nights, they score 5. Or maybe that’s a night Timo gets to score one. Easy enough

  6. scarlet_stormTrooper

    Imagine if we didn’t have threads like this after every game


    Those numbers don’t paint the whole picture….we have a very aggressive group of defensemen and while its helping us score almost 5 goals per game….its also allowing opposing teams alot of odd man rushes and high percentage opportunities………is Vitek a top 10 starter? No…….but has he played like a reliable starter considering what he’s faced? Absolutely. Yea there’s been a few weak goals that have gotten through….but he doesn’t take us out of games…and with the firepower we have that ls likely all we need to make a deep run

  8. I think Vitek played fine tonight. Devils can play this way in the regular season and will probably work out pretty well most nights. There’s a lot of fire power. Power play is absolutely disgusting.

  9. RentBoy-Kef

    Yoooooo both San Jose goalies had a higher SV%… that’s depressing. Wellll I didn’t check now… but it’s still higher.

  10. Vanhoogenbam55

    End of the day these this goaltending tandem won’t be here when we are lifting the cup, but until a genuine number one improvement becomes available they are fine

    To be honest, their numbers aren’t that horrible considering neither of them has at all looked near their best so I should even out in the wash.

    Fitz won’t bring in a goal tender that isn’t the stud

  11. jonaesthetic

    I see the trade deadline going 1 of 2 ways.

    1. Our defense does not get their shit together and we acquire a shutdown defenseman.

    2. Our defense does get their shit together and we acquire a goalie.

    Our goalies aren’t at fault for most of these goals. They’re getting peppered with high danger chances. I’d like to see the defense improve first before criticizing the goaltending.

  12. Devilishdozer

    The list of available goalies that are better and obtainable for less than a ransom is slim to none. Shouldn’t be complaining as long as we are winning games. Can tighten things up as the season goes on.

  13. Mikelittsor

    It’s impossible to have great goaltending when firewagon is your system…

  14. imsocooldude

    Can’t help but think they’ll be looking to upgrade come trade deadline.

  15. No_Variety9420

    It is defiantly a concern, especially considering how Vanacek looked last night. He had some good saves but seemed to lose sight of the puck a lot .

  16. RunningM8

    I think they were this way all along, it’s just that our defense was way better last year. Now that our defense has taken off the month of October it’s revealing the true goaltending issues we really have.

  17. usernamendhsk

    We need to remember Akira is only 23 years on and hasn’t had a single NHL season yet of experience. Our fan base got spoiled in the Rangers series by him, but goalies need time to develop

  18. Is it goaltending or defense? The goalies are the same as last year. The defence changed

  19. PrimeNewAcc

    Vitek and Akira had very strong save percentages last season (.911, .922 respectively). We know what they can do and so do they. The defense has just gotta improve.

  20. midnightz71

    Also, give Akira a little bit more time in the crease. He’s played 2 full games and one game where he got pulled after the 1st… we gotta remember he is only 23 (super young for NHL goalie) and everyone has off nights. Let’s see what happens to his stat line after 10 games or so. To other peoples points, we do have aggressive D that leads to the teams we play having high danger scoring opptys/odd man rushes, etc.

  21. Imagine what? would we be 9-0? That would make no difference, we need to learn to play better with the goalies we have imo.

  22. Crumbssss_

    For the most part I think it’s a defensive issue. But Vitek did give up two VERY soft goals last night.
    I have more faith in Schmid finding the same stride he had in the Rangers series so I’m excited to see him get some games in and work out of his funk. His high danger save % is actually really good. Just letting up soft goals for some reason

  23. PeterSagansLaundry

    They should regress (progress?) to the mean soon.

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