@Kings de Los Angeles

Hamonic n’est pas content d’Englund, qui saute par-dessus Stützle pour éviter d’être touché

Saison 2023 – 2024 Kings de Los Angeles contre Sénateurs d’Ottawa 11/2/2023 Ceci est ma deuxième chaîne qui se concentrera uniquement sur le contenu de la LNH. Ma chaîne principale est ici. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9r-o0geG0gHvboKrSxdfw


  1. Im probably wrong and idk these players but is it possible he saw him fall and tried to hop over him to avoid the hit?

  2. Englund jumped to avoid him. I don't see anything wrong here and two minutes for roughing was the correct call

  3. It looks like it could have been really bad but actually it seems like Englund sees Stutzle trip up and decides to jump to avoid a nasty hit? So props to him if thats the case

  4. The NHL needs to start issuing instant game misconducts for anyone that starts a scrum after a clean hit.

  5. If he hit stutzle head there against the board, pretty sure he’s gonna be out for a while

  6. Its hard to see because the ref is in the way, but if you look carefully you can see Englund doesnt actually jump, but rather his feet hit Stützles skate and get he trips over him, flying forward, making it look like he jumped. I believe he had no intention of throwing a dirty hit, and had Stützle not lost his footing I don't think there wouldve been anything out of the ordinary here

  7. Could of been nasty but Stutzle was falling on the play, PE is not a dirty player in fact judging by a lot of comments they think he jumped to avoid hitting TS if that’s the case 👏👏 it’s one of those things only Pierre will know! My bad I thought commentator said Engvall 🙄ah all 27 year old Swedes look and sound the same 🤔😏😜🤣 i dont know Andreas history so maybe he is that type of player idk 🤷‍♂️

  8. Stutzle falls and Englund trips into the boards. Hardly any contact. The fight ensued because Englund was out for blood on a much smaller player. Doesn't matter that he missed.

  9. Englund would have never elevated if Stutzle was standing up and got hit… He only did that because he went deeper into the boards. Plus he's a bigger guy.

  10. That was an attempt at a huge (possibly dirty) hit. The notion that PE was trying to avoid crushing Stutzle is absurd. He missed though, so ref can't really call a penalty. But they blew the whistle BEFORE Hamonic even went in after him so the refs knew that he'd crossed the line.

    Players stick up for each other when guys take liberties with their teammates. The people who say there should be a misconduct on Hamonic obviously don't realize that this wasn't a sporting hit (attempt).

  11. There's no hit. Wtf is the point of this video. Drama. Stupid. You can make a million videos of almost hits. There wasn't even a fight. Just trying to get subscribers and views.

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