@Devils du New Jersey

[Novo]Concernant la blessure de Jack Hughes, Friedman a déclaré qu’il « pense que c’est à l’épaule », mais il n’en est pas sûr.

[Novo]Concernant la blessure de Jack Hughes, Friedman a déclaré qu’il « pense que c’est à l’épaule », mais il n’en est pas sûr.



  1. Qtmazikeen

    Adds that the #NJDevils were initially worried he’d be out for months, but “doesn’t believe they feel that’s the case anymore.”

  2. McRibs2024

    Shoulder is concerning but so is a concussion

    Either way indications seem to have gone from long term to short term and that’s a plus.

    Hopefully it’s a month max and he comes back feeling great. Plus it lets other guys step up, we need everyone firing and no one leaning on jack expecting him to do it all

  3. ghostOfGigantor

    So more rumors spreading more rumors. Why are we posting garbage like this?

  4. mustachiolong

    Seeing us not use LTIR has me relieved and hoping for the shorter end of week to week.

  5. scarlet_stormTrooper

    So what we learn from this is that Novo and Friedman both know nothing

  6. DavidPuddy666

    I have a feeling Jack is going to have shoulder problems his whole career. Ever since he dislocated it two years ago I’ve been worried.

  7. conn5495fx

    Guy needs to do some shoulder presses this off-season lol

  8. nsfate18

    I feel like most concussions are labeled as day to day. You evaluate concussions on a daily basis and you don’t really know when symptoms fade. So this being week to week, meaning you evaluate weekly, could indicate it’s something more like a shoulder or neck injury. But I’m slightly talking out of my ass too I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve ever seen concussions as week to week

  9. opposite_of_hotcakes

    Weird that there’s nothing conclusive released yet, are they still doing testing?

  10. tECHOknology

    Sticking to my theory that the « worst case scenario » was another dislocation that would mean more frequent dislocations and another almost-entire-year off. And then it turned out to be some damage/soreness/loosening that could heal and be strong again rather than a dislocation that could lead to more dislocations.

    To me that narrative fits when you had a worst-case scenario that turned out to be OK. The worst case scenario dialing down to less serious for a concussion doesn’t seem to make sense to me, especially if it still turned out to be week-to-week. The only worse scenario than giving a concussion some time would be like brain damage of some sort, and if concussion was worst-case and then there wasn’t one, he wouldn’t need time out. If it were his neck, the worst case scenario would be like paralysis, but then being relieved its just needing time off. The word usage of worst case scenario just screams to me that they were super worried that it was dislocated again.

  11. pretzelogically

    Pretty much just repeating what they already said & adding speculation about the shoulder which they obviously won’t confirm until the season is over.

    I thought it looked like a shoulder from the get go. Maybe the specualtion about a possible concussion came from how he went out for a shift & then came off like Nico did???

    My $$$ is on it locked up on him, they did an MRI, saw no major structural damage & just needs treatment/rehab not surgery (or at least not immediate surgery) hence the “we avoided the worst case” scenario.

  12. xxfatpigxx

    Just listened to this segment on their podcast and he also said that a major factor for Jack is that everyone responds to recovery differently when it comes to shoulder injuries, and that’s the biggest reason why there’s no definite timeframe they can put out there on his recovery. He did put emphasis on it not being as bad as feared when Jack initially left the game but he definitely will miss some time.

    Friedman is particular about how he phrases stuff like this when he drops news since he’s such a well regarded and connected insider so I don’t think he would say it was shoulder related or not as bad as feared unless he was super confident in his sources, but he still has to put a disclaimer on it since it isn’t an official statement by the team.

  13. Flashy_Curve7401

    Can we get Jack a set of dumbbells

  14. Sauronsindexfinger

    Pinched nerve. A pinched nerve can make whole body parts feel numb. Try taking a wrist shot with a numbed hand or arm.

  15. Anonycron

    Get this kid on a starting strength program and force him to wear linebacker shoulder pads.

    Problem solved! Heh.

    I think this is going to be an issue throughout his career. The dude takes some epic spills (sometimes just while skating all alone), doesn’t fall gracefully at all (my theory is that kids who are this naturally gifted at skating never really learn how to fall), and he is under-muscled for this league.

  16. granweep

    It’s totally the shoulder, that was the case last year also.

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