@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Freddie :(

Freddie 🙁



  1. Scottstark1210

    #BiggerThanHockey! Get better Freddie!

  2. Can anyone shed some more light on this? Is this something that could potentially keep him out all season?

  3. micoconuts

    Sorry if this is ignorant but what’s blood clotting? Google’s not telling me a lot on the severity of what blood clotting could be-or was the statement meant to be vague for freddie’s privacy?

  4. Get well soon Great Dane!

    Still wondering if this means he has blood clots or if he has a blood clotting problem. I would think the latter is more serious?

  5. 64TigerDriver

    Man this is terrible. Hope he has a speedy recovery and if it is a career injury that he gets all the medical attention he can!

  6. denvercaniac

    2023, what is you doin.

    more importantly, we all send our best wishes and thoughts and prayers to Freddie.

  7. XJudgeBootyX

    This shit is so scary, he probably started having symptoms too. You cannot fuck with clotting.

    Wish the dude the best if we don’t see him in a canes jersey again this season.

  8. millard_spillmore

    Hoping for the best and the language is optimistic. Believe blood clots are what forced Chris Bosh into early retirement as did Dupuis with the Penguins.

  9. ZombieLoveChild

    Blood clotting is absolutely not something you want to fuck with. I’m glad they were able to catch the problem before something drastic happened

  10. Sonic_Reducer78

    This is, fortunately, very treatable. Assuming they have caught this before he’s had any strokes , then there is a very high probability he recovers well with few if any long term symptoms. Playing again is a different conversation, but it’s not remotely important right now. Here’s to Freddie getting well and healthy.

  11. Carolina_913

    At the next home game I want to be able to hear FREDDIE! FREDDIE! FREDDIE! chants on the broadcast

  12. CanesFan06

    I just want to hug our favorite Dane and tell him we love him 😭

  13. The amount of people on the internet already trying to blame covid vaccines, JFC.

  14. TheNumberPurplee

    Leafs fan here just to send positive energy on behalf of us. Get well soon Fred

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