@Canadiens de Montréal

Félicitations à Lane Hutson pour avoir remporté à nouveau le prix du joueur de la semaine Hockey East

Félicitations à Lane Hutson pour avoir remporté à nouveau le prix du joueur de la semaine Hockey East



  1. AutoModerator

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  2. unKappa

    Guys can we stop reposting the same picture? I swear I see this exact picture every single week for 2 years straight. /s

  3. BackgroundMiserable5

    All I want to know is how big is he now?

  4. jo_maka

    A tall week for General Bone Apart

  5. synchrosyn

    At what point do they just rename it to the Lane Hutson award?

  6. JakJoe

    Good to see his injury didn’t hold him back 1 bit

  7. Habslover

    6 goals in 7 games😆 he’s like fuck it I’ll do it myself

  8. BeBenNova

    Hey! it was my turn to post this

  9. MatureNeuro

    Why does he look like young ovetchkin

  10. mumbojombo

    Rendu là ça serait plus simple de juste nous l’annoncer quand qu’il le gagne pas

  11. SignificantRain1542

    This would not be possible without the great people at the American Bone Institute. Check out this presentation to learn more and how you can donate your bones to up and coming generational defensemen. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9exB1XR10ck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9exB1XR10ck)

  12. Zartonk

    I read that as Hockeyest player lol

  13. Olipod2002


  14. jmorgue

    How sure are we that he will report to the Canadiens? I am so scared he pulls an Adam Fox.

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