@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

La réaction de Tkachuk face aux fans était-elle émotionnelle ou calculée ?

Les Sénateurs ont perdu cinq de leurs six derniers matchs, occupent le dernier rang de la division Atlantique et les distractions hors glace se sont accumulées. Brady Tkachuk a fait part de sa frustration dans les médias ce week-end, dénonçant la négativité à Ottawa. La réaction de Tkachuk était-elle émotionnelle ou calculée ? Dave Poulin, analyste de TSN Hockey, en discute.


  1. Fully agree with Brady. This why ppl in the media and fans aren’t playing in the nhl. You gotta be process oriented or you will fail

  2. Hey at least the captain in Ottawa is showing emotion ..,the same can’t be said for the captains in Toronto and Edmonton.

  3. Agree with Brady 100%. The fan chant to fire DJ was classless and embarassing. Honestly it made me think that Ottawa doesn't deserve an NHL team. This from someone who lives in Ottawa and is a Sens fan.

  4. He should stand by what he said and not apologize. Theres not a person in that audience who could do any better

  5. whatever it is, It doesnt matter. People are paying their hard earned money to watch. You keep defending your coach. You say you like him. You say you play hard? You guys are absolutely clueless. An ahl team. You are giving up. You play like you dont care. WIN HOLY SHT. AND FIRE DJ SMITH. WE WANT PLAYOFFS. ITS BEEN 7 YEARS. Fans can chant and boo if they want. You guys let them down every year.

  6. He's just setting up his future reasons to justify the move that he'll make when he's able to, just like his brother. Ottawa fans should realize, he'll be gone the moment he's a free agent for the same reason that his brother left Calgary.

  7. What else does he expect? Fans pay money to watch. And theh don't want to watch garbage. They have every right to boo and complain. If you don't like it…. ask for a trade to San Jose where they don't care.

  8. Imagine if Brady played in Philly or NY. He’d have daily hissy fits. Guy can’t handle a little booing, what a clown. I guess he wants paying fans to love losing.

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