@Jets de Winnipeg

La 3e ligne des Jets de Winnipeg CUISINE

À la surprise générale, les Jets de Winnipeg et leur 3e trio ont été leur MEILLEUR trio jusqu’à présent cette saison. Appleton, Nino et Adam Lowry ont été une force pour démarrer la saison et l’un des trios les plus efficaces de la LNH. Parviendront-ils à maintenir leur domination ?


  1. Me too!! I was hoping they’d get a deal done, happy to see its trending that way

  2. Stupid penalties and getting goalied were those losses, other than LA I don't think they've played that bad

  3. To be fair the jets had a tough schedule to start, I looked at the rest of the schedule for the year and it’s nicely spread out with teams that they are able to beat

  4. I hope Chevy goes after a big piece maybe get a choriot or somebody that don’t cost a lot of money,maybe get zodorov or Hanafin from Calgary because they’re a tire fire, imagine morrisey with Hanafin or maybe porenko from St. Louis, or if Columbus is out of it, maybe get Provorov

  5. Provorov will cost a first round pick for sure plus a prospect but if I was willing to give a prospect away it be Logan, Stanley and maybe kuzmin I really wouldn’t want to trade Lucius but if he doesn’t turn out to be anything, I don’t mind getting rid of him, Untouchables are McGroarty, Lambert, Barlow, and our future stud on d Salomonsson, i’d be very pressed to get rid of Zalkin and chibrikov

  6. The Jets basically have six players that can play on their top six in the future. They haven’t had that ever I think even when they had a Ehlers laine and Connor that’s only three ,yeah they’re not as big as Laine, but I could see Lambert being as good of a scorer as Connor, and as fast and elusive as ehlers

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